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"The laptop is in the study. I'll go get it." Alec said when we entered the manor. I nodded before settling on the couch in the living room along with Em and Robin.

"Where did you learn how to fight Micah?" Robin asked curiously.

"Back at home. I trained regularly with my brother and cousin." I said.

"But you must have trained hard. You're seriously too good." He shook his head. "And when you fight, it looks very graceful. As if you're waltzing in a ballroom or something."

"Yea. You know Micah, I sometimes get the vague impression that you're royalty." Em mused as she stared deeply at me. I subtly stiffened but managed to maintain a calm expression.

"That's stupid. What gave you that wrong impression."

"Well for one, your manner of speech. It's unhurried and calm. Your sitting posture is always upright. Plus you never waver in front of a crowd." She listed.

I inwardly sighed. Of course, I wouldn't be able to hide all those things. It was something I did unconsciously because I spent all my life learning and doing it.

"There's that. But which royal will know how to cook as amazingly as Micah does?" Robin pointed. I beamed at him for getting me out of that situation and at the same time felt glad for my culinary skills.

No skill is a waste indeed...

"I guess there is also that." Emma shook her head, "but you know, sometimes your aura is extremely pure and white. I've never seen a person with a white aura." She added.

"When you say aura, is it like the aura that I know of?"

"If it's the intangible air that surrounds a person that you're referring to then yes, that aura."

"You can see people's auras?" I asked in wonderment.

"Yes. I can. I've always been able to." She nodded. I gaped in surprise before grinning.

"That's awesome you know." I smiled.

"It's not that awesome really. Sometimes, it helps to see through a person, whether they're bad or not. That's how I knew you weren't a threat when we first met."

"Wow. Doesn't that mean you have like, a good person-bad person detector?"

"I guess so." She chuckled.

"But what do you mean an aura can't be white?" I frowned.

"It just can't be. Not unless you're a saint or a holy person." She shook her head.

It's probably because of our Royal blood and me being a white wolf.


"Oh. That's not a bad thing."

"Yes. But why? I've met some Royalties before and even though they had a somewhat white aura, it isn't as dazzling as yours." She said.

"Maybe I'm just unique because Armin is my mate." I grinned.

"You just couldn't help it." Em deadpanned while Robin rolled his eyes.

"Well, all that talk about white auras doesn't matter. I like Micah a lot and she feels warm." Robin shrugged.

"Yea. She's very homey and comfortable." Alec's voice sounded. We turned and saw him standing by the wall. He must have come in at some point in our conversation.

"She is." Em agreed before leaning her head on my shoulder, "You're a good person right Micah? You wouldn't abandon and deceive us."

The room went silent for a while. I felt bad because I was deceiving them, even if it was for good reasons.

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