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Sitting up, we silently stared at each other without breaking eye contact. His initially calm expression started turning nervous, and, I noticed his fingers gripping, and the sheets.

"It's okay Hazel. You have me. I don't find you repulsive because of that. I think you're very strong for going through that alone with your personality." I leaned forward and hugged him.

His tensed body instantly relaxed and his shoulders sagged in relief. He hugged me back and we maintained the position for a while.

"Hazel," I murmured against his neck.


"Your Gramps is a great man." I smiled as I pulled back to stare into his eyes.

"Yeah." He said with a faraway look in his eyes. His orbs contained both pride and sadness making me frown.

"Is he coming back together with the rest of your family?" I asked.

"The rest of our family. They are yours too." He kissed my cheek.

"Ah." I smiled, "I want to talk to Sividus." I said after a moment. He raised a brow before blinking his eyes into a red hue.

"Dusk." Sividus smiled at me but I only narrowed my eyes at him. His smile froze on his face before nervousness seeped in.

"Don't you have something to say to me?" I flatly asked.

"Ah...well...um...it was...my bad?" He unsurely stuttered out with apprehension.

"You're right. It was." I said. It was subtle but I caught the disappointment and panic that flashed through his eyes, "but I don't blame you. I heard Armin's thoughts when I was watching everything. You thought you were back there right?"

"Yes...but I do admit my actions were a bit drastic." He sighed.

"If I were to lose you guys in an unnatural manner such as that, I'm sure I would have done something similar," I said. He looked taken aback for a bit before stretching his hands towards my face.

"Do you mean it or are you just comforting me?" He caressed my cheek.

"Both. And you regretted it right? That's why you put everything back in order and distorted the pack members' memories." I smiled at him.

"Daniel is...the only person who never saw me as a monster or feared me. He instead befriended me even at the risk of being expelled from the pack. When I knew it was his pack, I felt guilty for the first time in my life. At that point, when I saw the pain in his eyes, that was the only thing I could do for him. Restore his pack and bring back the adoration the members had towards his precious grandson." He smiled.

"Feeling guilt is good. It means you've acknowledged your wrong and want to improve. It also means that you have begun learning to understand others." I leaned into his arms and he pulled me closer in reply.

"Not that I care about understanding those inferior species but since you're satisfied, that's all that matters." He mumbled against my hair making me sigh.

"Only by understanding others and knowing their pain will you be free Sividus. I don't know what caused you to be so disdainful towards other creatures. I just don't want you to lose your head again and do something you'll regret." I hugged him.

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