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"Morning." I yawned with a stretch.

Armin raised a brow while looking at me with a teasing glint in his eyes, "what?" I asked in confusion.

"I can see where the name Drool Queen came from." He pointed to his bare chest where a suspicious liquid thingy laid.

"That was not me." I shook my head.

"Then did I drool on myself?" He laughed lowly.

"I don't know. Maybe. You never know in this life." I shrugged.

"Mira Mira. Okay, I believe you." He knocked my head lightly.

"Hum." I hummed.

"Aren't you getting up?" He asked when I snuggled into his arms once again.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled.

"We have a meeting at nine. It's already eight." He pinched my cheek as he gazed down at me.

"Mm. But five more minutes." I mumbled. When his gaze became incessant, I looked into his hazel orbs in question, "what?"

"Nothing. Can't I just look at you?"

"Well knock yourself out with that." I chuckled, "what about Mik?"

"We'll drop him at Mary's after breakfast."

"Oh." I said when I recalled Alec, "Hazel...?"

"Mm?" He smiled.

Should I tell him?

About how we feel for Alec?



"What is it?" He asked again.

"Alec..." I trailed and instantly, the look in his eyes changed.

"What about him?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Don't be mad." I sighed.

"I won't be mad at you."

"I don't...dislike him liking me. I know it's messed up but I wanted to tell you. I don't know why either, it just feels like him loving me is how it should be. I sound stuck up right?" I said with a hint of guilt.

He stared at me blankly making me twiddle with my fingers nervously. "Hazel?" I called but he didn't reply.

His fingers slowly inched towards my neck before brushing against his mark. I bit my lip and stared at his blank expression quietly but his hand kept moving about the mark until I let out a low sound.

"Are you upset?" I whimpered.

"...no. I'm not. I'm pissed." He growled.

"I...sorry." I looked away from him.

"Don't apologize. I'm not pissed at you. I'm pissed at Alec."

"It's not his fault." I firmly said.

"Hum?" He stared at me sharply. I could see the warning in his eyes, my words obviously rubbed him the wrong way.

"...no. Forget it." I sighed.

The room sank into an awkward silence for a few long moments before he pinched my waist with a sigh.

"Then do you...also have feelings for him?" He asked seriously.

"What no! No I don't. You fill me up so much that I don't have space for anyone else. Alec's situation is just hard to comprehend and explain. There's also Blaze but his own is slightly different." I quickly said.

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