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Walking down the intimately familiar halls, fragments and pieces of memories stormed my mind. The hall Rickel and Baron were leading us down was towards the west wing where guests normally stayed. I felt Armin's hand slip into mine and he held on tight to show his silent support.

You were a gorgeous and wild beauty when you were a teen My love.

You can see my memories? I asked in surprise.

You didn't put a block, I can see and hear whatever it is that's on your mind. I have to say though your brother looks familiar.

He's on the national news all the time. My sisters and I rarely appear in it though.

Hum...yeah maybe that's it. There's no way it'll be him... He gave a chuckle with an undertone of disappointment.

Who's 'him?'

Oh it's nothing. Just some guy.

"This will be your room Alpha. It's an en-suite with three bedrooms, bathrooms, and a living room with a lounge in the balcony." Rickel said as he pushed open the door.

The layout of the room was the same as before, the front door opening up to the spacious living room with two doors by the right and one by the left, high ceilings, walls a gold and blue with white highlights.

"I'll excuse myself now Alpha, if you need anything, Baron will attend to it. Just simply push this button by the entrance door and she'll be right along." He said after which he took a bow before turning around. He stopped for a half a second beside Baron before leaving the room.

I focused my gaze on the figure standing straight with her hands behind her back. Her eyes were dull and it looked like she was seeing through us rather than looking at us.

"The maids already set up the rooms. The doors to the right are Assistant enforcer Duke and Miss Emma's rooms and by the left is Alpha Armin and Luna Micah's. Your luggages are already inside, the maids will be bringing in lunch in an hour's time so feel free to relax until then." She said stiffly.

"Thank you Baron." I smiled at her.

"You're too polite Luna. It's my duty." She bowed, "if you need anything, just press this button here and I'll be right along." She pointed to the red button beside the entrance door.

"Okay." Emma nodded.

Baron bowed again before turning around. I gazed at her familiar back and I couldn't help but call out her name.

"Yes Luna?"

"It's nothing." I bit my lip. I just hoped we weren't being monitored right now.

"I'll come around seven in the evening to lead you all to have dinner with the rest of the Alphas." She said.


"Then excuse me." I watched until she left the room before turning to look at Armin, "what are you doing?" I asked when I saw the way his eyes were sweeping round the room.

There are surveillance cameras in the room. He mindlinked all three of us.

Seriously?! Duke and Emma exclaimed.

What?! Is Lunatic insane?! Does he know how problematic it'll be if the other Alphas came to know he was monitoring them?! I said in shock.

The cameras are well hidden actually. I only found them because the model seems to be the exact same one MKS developed. They're very small and embedded inside the ceilings and walls. It's not noticeable. He said.

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