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Third Person's POV.

A month later, Ichor got called into Celimine and Cain's working space. He was currently sitting on the couch facing against the one they sat on.

"What is it?"

"There's something you need to investigate." Cain cut to the chase.

"Investigate? Me?" He said in surprise. Ever since he came to be, he was taught about his duties and responsibilities and how to conduct himself with the Heavenly laws as standard.

Both Celemine and Cain told him he would have to spend at least a century before he was cleared to go out and take on his duties. So he was surprised by the suddenness of Cain's words, it had only been twenty some years after all.

"We have our hands tied currently, else we would've taken care of it. As for the others, either they really have something important to do or are making perfunctory excuses." Celimine frowned.

"Is it something troublesome?" He immediately caught the gist from what she said. An investigation that made those prideful beings turn on their heels, how could it be anything simple?

"It has the potential to be." Cain replied, "check this." He threw a crystal tablet to him which caught before looking through the information carved on it.

It said that there was a restless movement in the borderline between the sixth and seventh heaven. Creatures of the dark believed to be the devil's minions were leaving earth and approaching the sky.

"Wouldn't sending the Central Order of Knights solve the problem? Have them divide into two groups; one should head to earth and cut the creatures off at where they ascend up and the other should handle the ones by the borderline." Ichor said with mild confusion. The solution was so simple, why was it considered to be troublesome?

"That's the problem; we don't know where on earth exactly they are ascending from." Celimine intertwined her hands.

"Have you tried capturing one of those things?"

"We did. It killed itself before we could bring it back to the capital."

"Who caught it?"

"The Central Order of Knights."

Ichor's expression turned surprised. It was inconceivable that the Capital's stealth force would be unable to handle a simple capture and interrogation assignment. Especially given their record of never failing a single assignment.

That meant there was something wrong with the creatures.

"What are those creatures?" Ichor asked.


"What!? Aren't those extinct!?"

Seekers couldn't be said to be creatures of the dark. They were a specie born from the sacred aura of the gods and hence were demigods. Or at least, they were supposed to be demigods.

Because they were born from a god's sacred aura, any blemish to the said aura would have a drastic effect on them. Blemishes as in anger, jealousy, resentment and such negative emotions.

It wasn't known how Lucifer figured that out because he embarked on a journey of twisting and blackening hearts. And as a result, the Seekers that were meant to be the most pure after the beings of the capital were dyed black.

What was more astonishing was that after turning dark, they developed a sort of consciousness that had a strong urge for the darkness and everything evil. The most shocking thing though was their ability to corrupt a god.

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