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"I can't believe you're a witch." I stared at Emma who was lying on the couch in the living room.

"I told you I would surprise you."

"I was surprised alright," I muttered.

"So what act did you play with Armin yesterday?" She wiggled her brows making my face flush.

"Shut up." I hid my face as the memories stormed my mind. I felt Camille purring at the back of my mind and that only made me blush harder.


He was really...amazing. I never thought I could love anybody as much as I loved him.

"Micah? Why are you blushing? Huh? It's not like you guys mated or anything." Emma teased making me roll my eyes.

"Leave her alone." Armin's voice sounded making me smile. I looked up at him only to meet his gaze already on me.

He walked over and kissed my forehead before pulling me to my feet, "let's get going."

"Okay." I smiled before I intertwined our fingers.

"Are you waiting for a special invitation?" He asked flatly while looking at Emma.

"I'm coming, sheesh." She mumbled before standing up.

We were headed to the orphanage right now to take care of Mikhail's situation. I was curious about what Armin was planning to do but I somehow got a rough idea. Especially since Em was a witch. Armin and I sat at the front while Emma got into the backseat before he drove out of the manor.

"So what can you do? Do you ride brooms?" I asked curiously.

"What broom? Do I look like Sabrina the teenage witch to you?" She rolled her eyes.

"Don't answer that." She added when I gave a knowing look, "There are different types of witches. You do know females are witches and males are wizards right?" She asked and I nodded.

"What about a warlock?" I asked.

"Those are also wizards. Male demons can also be called warlocks." Armin caressed my hair.


"So there is something you don't know?" Emma teased.

"I'm not an encyclopedia." I rolled my eyes.

"There are four main types of witches and warlocks. Elemental, objects, and bodily users. The last ones are seers. Elementals are those that control the natural elements like wind, water, fire, earth, and so on. Object users use wands or any object to project their magic. Body users project their magic directly without the need of any objects."

"Like elementals," I said.

"Slightly but not really. Elementals are born with the ability to control a certain element. They don't have to learn because they already know how to do it. It's innate. Like breathing. They only need to practice how to control it." Armin explained.

"I see." I nodded.

"Yea. Bodily users on the other hand have to learn to use their magic with various spells. They are also the ones that create potions. Although elementals use spells to enhance their magic, it is not necessary because the elements on their own are very powerful. The object users are those with slightly weaker magic powers so they use wands and stuff like that to boost their magic." Emma explained.

"Then what about the seers? Do they like, see the future?" I asked because I seemed to have heard about them before.

"They do see the future. Sometimes clearly, only fragments and it might even be something inconsequential. They are mostly the fortune tellers. But it is not always accurate. No matter what only the goddess knows the future. She only gives them little insights. They are pretty rare, the seers. Especially the ones who accurately predict the future. They have no attack power, their powers are just that, seeing the future." She added.

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