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Armin POV (cont.)

I woke up to an alluring scent and a very soft sensation. Looking down, I saw Red curled up in my arms as she quietly slept. Her little snores were the most adorable sound I ever heard. I unwaveringly stared at her, finding it hard to believe that she was mine.

"Red..." I murmured and watched in fascination as her lids twitched before shuffling closer to me as if answering the name.

What a good way to start the day. Sividus' voice sounded making me roll my eyes. What? Don't tell me you're still not used to hearing my voice up till now.

I'm still not used to it. I flatly replied.

Whatever. I just want to stare at my woman. Speaking of which, you better have a good talk with your sidekick.

I know already. I'll handle it.


I went back to staring at her after that. I didn't know how long passed before I reluctantly pulled away from her and left the bed. I watched as her brows furrowed while inching here and there like she was searching for me.

I smiled at her actions before squatting down and gently caressing her hair, "There there Red. I'm only going down for a bit. Sleep a bit longer." I murmured before kissing her temple.

Her restlessness eased and she went back to sleep once again.


I walked out of the room and headed downstairs but met Emma halfway.

"Well well, did you mate?" She asked.

"Wouldn't you know if we did?" I rolled my eyes as I made a move to go down.

"True. A word in your study." She said before brushing past me.

Is it me or is Emmeline getting sassier?

It's definitely her getting sassier.

I followed her into the study and closed the door before looking at her in question, "what?" I asked when she kept on staring at me.

"Are you happy?" She asked making me frown in confusion.


"Are you happy? With Micah?"

"It has only been a night since we got together." I rolled my eyes but a little smile slipped onto my face.

"I'll take that as a yes. See? I told you you'll be glad." She smugly said.

"Whatever. It's still too soon to tell." I rolled my eyes again.

"Yeah. But you know it'll be worth it." She grinned. I didn't reply as I pictured her. Her dusk-like hair, her gem eyes, her cute button nose, and her plump lips. Her voice and her enthralling scent that drove me wild.

"Mm. It's worth it." I smiled after a while as I let out a sigh. Definitely worth it.

"So what about...?"

"Well well, Emma," Sividus called out suddenly making her take a few steps back in shock.

Don't give my sister a heart attack. I warned.

"You...you Si...what?" She stuttered.

"He's here for Red. It seems he won't be going back to sleep for a while."

"I won't be going back to sleep. Ever." He replied.

"Seriously? Because of Micah?"


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