Chapter 2: Old Habits

Start from the beginning

Laura: Hey!

Her eyes snapped to focus as Laura approached carrying her three-year-old nephew and a fresh peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The girls held each other a little longer than usual.

Laura: Are you okay?

They sat on the floor in a far corner of the empty children's section, watching Roger flip aimlessly through the colorful hardback children's books. Careful to not miss a detail, Nicole recounted her dinner with Michael, Bill, and her father from the night before. Laura listened intently.

Laura: So... you met Michael Jackson?

Nicole: Yes.

Laura: That's insane! How do you know it was really him?

Nicole: ... Because he said his name? ... And there were security guards all over the restaurant and a huge group of girls outside screaming for him. It was nuts!

Laura: But YOU don't actually know who Michael Jackson is... This guy could've been anybody! You said he was wearing a disguise, maybe he was a fake.

Nicole: I don't think so... --

Laura: Stay right here!

Solemnly watching Roger roll around on the floor and taking hidden, sad bites of her cold sandwich, Nicole stayed put. She was feeling a way that was impossible to explain. Depressed? Confused? Infatuated? None seemed to fit. Soon Laura returned with a stack of 13 magazines ranging from "Ebony," "Right-On," "Teen Beat" and more, all featuring Michael's face on the cover. 

Laura: Is this the man you met last night?

Nicole shuffled through the pages. A boy was on the covers here, but the Michael Jackson she met was a man. His face was lean, his eyes were deep and his hands were strong. But one photo made her gasp aloud. 

"Michael Jackson: A Young Bachelor Married to His Music"

Dated March 1977, the photo showed Michael's full upper body in a deep violet button-down, his chest peaking though just a little. He had a big afro, forced into submission by a pair of earphones. Nicole picked up the magazine and studied it closer. His smile was shy and a little younger, but his eyes were exactly the same. She smiled back.

Nicole: Yep, this is him.

Laura: Okay, So... you have a crush on Michael Jackson?

Nicole: I— I guess I do?

Laura: Great. So do 75% of brown girls in America! Welcome to being normal.

Flabbergasted by her response, Nicole elbowed her friend in the side. How cruel!

Laura: Look, you know I love you, and I know it's been an insanely long time since you've had even a crush on anyone at all, but the fact that you got swept up in the sweet voice and perfect  smile of this beautiful Black man, is hardly newsworthy. It's perfectly normal! I'm very happy for you!

Nicole: Really? I don't feel normal. I can't concentrate on anything! I've never felt so scattered and distracted before.

Laura: I know. But it'll pass. Go to bed early tonight and you'll be fine in the morning. I promise.


Nicole's bedtime routine was pretty similar and equally necessary as her morning routine. By 9 PM she would retire to her room and change into her comfiest pajamas, first twisting her hair into a bun, saving the curls for another day. She brushed her teeth, then washed her face before tucking herself into bed. Once her eyes adjusted to the dim corner lamp, Nicole would read herself to sleep.

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