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A/N: I've missed this so much and I can't believe this is the fucking end.

Also, the lyrics are from all the songs in this album.

For one last time,

Enjoy :)

Astoria, I'm warning ya, not ready yet, not for ya

If you're reading this, it means you've bought food to binge on, just to purge it all out. It's a good hiding spot, isn't it? You may be wondering who wrote this. Well, it's me, or, rather, you. If you don't believe me, there should be a Taylor Swift magazine hidden between the mattresses, and a picture of your father when he was around your age. Don't worry. No one knows about them.

Right about now, you're beginning to realize just how different you are from the others, and that there's not much you can do about it. You feel so empty, that food is the first thing that comes to mind to fill it. I'm warning you now—don't do it. Don't damage yourself with binging and purging. There's another thing you can use to fill that empty void with.

far from home


Music is such a magnificent thing. Those emotions you don't know how to name? Music will tell you what that is. Those emotions you can't feel—music.

Sometimes you can't yell loud enough

Times when you don't know what to say, music will give you those words, and in such a graceful beautiful way. If happiness is long forgotten, music will help. Music will give you the answers.

Sometimes a whisper's just too much

Music will make you feel alive. Way more than that razor ever will. You put that blade down and don't you dare write another scar on your soul. Your body loves you—us. Me. It's heart beats for you. It's lungs gives you oxygen, it's legs takes you places. Your body keeps you alive because it loves you so much. So take care of her. Take care of that beautiful soul.

You're going to come across a boy in your life, and you're going to think he's the one because he notices you. Well disregard that boy. Because you don't need a boy to make your life complete, or better it. All you need is you, because you are a beautiful amazing fighter who doesn't need no boyfriend. You can and will triumph without him. And even if it is too late when you're reading this, and you've already fallen so hard for him, and maybe even heroin; it'll be okay. Everything that happens leads you down this magnificent path to recovery—to glory.

I'll have to wrap this up now because I have to leave for something special. I won't dare ruin the surprise for you. Just please live long enough to make it to this day where everything is okay again. Make it to this day that's filled with love—certainly not from a boyfriend—and rejoice. Rejoice in where you are today compared to where you were yesterday, or even last week or last years.

The lessons you learn in life only show you after a certain amount of time has passed. So live long enough to learn that lesson. Or long enough to teach someone else a lesson.

You are a beautiful, beautiful person, and you matter.

I love you, for forever and always,

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