The Lucky One

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New to town with a made up name in the angel city chasing fortune and fame

We are at the hotel waiting for the limo to come and pick up Taylor. We are standing on the roof of the building. The hotel is grand, but we could still clearly see the streets. There is a slight breeze that is beginning to turn more into a small wind.

"What if I mess up?" Taylor sighs.

"Mess up? I highly doubt you'll do that," I reply.

"But still, what if I do? All of these famous artists are going to be there judging my every move. It's my first time here - I need to be perfect."

"Taylor, you already are perfect. There are so many girls that look up to you who are half as beautiful as you. They are your army. They wouldn't care if you messed up. They would love you even more."

"But this isn't one of my concerts," she reminds me.

"So what? All of the artists here tonight were once in your position. Now it's time for you to join their party."

I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She is either cold or nervous, because I notice she is shaking. I take my jacket off, and place it on her shoulders. Partly for comfort, partly for warmth. She pulls it closer around herself.

"And you don't need to worry about them because you are you," I reassure. "You are yourself. You are the leader of many young girls. Perform for your fans. Perform for me. Even if you can't see me, just know that I will always be right beside you."

And the camera flashes, make it look like a dream


I made my way through the cold noisy hallways to my locker. Of all places it could be, it was on the top floor, as far away as possible from my classes. I pushed through a particular loud cluster of people, when I got tripped and landed face first onto the ground.

As quick as possible, I climbed to my feet and rushed away. Behind me, I heard laughter. They were laughing at me for sure. How could I be such a klutz? The whole school hated me - why did I have to feed them with my embarrassment.

I pushed through the stupidly placed doors in the hall, and on the right stood my locker. I fumbled with the lock as someone opened the door too far and slammed it right into me. I looked through my hair to see who it was. Danny Fader. One of the most popular kids - not only in my grade - but in the school. His family was stupidly rich, and he was already on the local hockey's farm team.

I put my things in my locker, then made my way to my first class. I hugged my binders close as I shuffled down the stairs. On the last step I tripped over my own damn foot, and fell, spilling my papers everywhere.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath.

Tripping twice in a mere few minutes. Good going Taylor.

I scrambled to gather my things. People were walking past, and I knew that I would be late to class.

"Hey let me help you with that." My head shot up to see Danny standing above me. He kneeled down and began picking up my papers.

What the hell was he doing? He should be laughing - taking pictures, posting them all over the internet with the caption 'Taylor failing at life . . . again'.

He handed me the last of my sheets, when another voice rang out - unfortunately I knew this one.

"Danny!" Teagan's voice rang out like that of a door hinge needing oil.

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