Tied Together With A Smile

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A/N: hey guys, semi-important message here. Actually, it's kind of really important to me. Today, September 10th, is World Suicide Prevention Day, and the rest of the week is in spirit as well. It would really mean the world, if you could raise the awareness, spread the word, say a kind word. You can help support by wearing the colour yellow as well. I know it's near the end of the day for most people, but the rest of the week is still dedicated to suicide prevention. It would mean so much to me on a very personal level if you could help end the stigma and let others receive the help they need.

If you or anyone you know is suffering, please, seek help, tell someone. I know the world is a pretty shitty place, but things do change for the better. You are not alone. You are a bright burning flame and nothing can ever burn you out.

I love love love all of you.


I walked down Commercial Drive. It felt like it had been forever since the last time I had gotten out of the house. Maybe it was because everything reminded me of her. Or maybe it was because leaving the house was like leaving her.

My eyes roamed the different shops on the sides of the street. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw it.

I looked inside the large windows. I could smell the coffee from here. I could smell her from here. My eyes zeroed on a certain spot. A certain table.

It was our table.

The one tucked in the corner, that viewed outside the large windows.

I sighed. It was so many years ago that I first met her there.

Suddenly we were sitting there. Sipping from cups. I walked closer to the window.

"Taylor," I mouthed. I touched the glass.

"So what have you been up to lately?" She asks.

"Not much, the same old same old, write, record, stuff like that," I reply.

"And how are things coming along with the band?"

"They're good. We've been working really hard. Hopefully by next year we'll both have albums out."

"Yeah, that'd be nice. It just seems like a big dream."

"Yeah," I agree. "A long, hard, dream that you don't exactly know where it will take you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, no matter what. No matter how this crazy idea turns out, I just want to stay true to myself. Focus on music, not all the perks that come with it."

"You don't want fame to change you."


She giggles. "Imagine if we become famous! That'd be crazy. We'd look all cool walking around town with a possy following us."

"And the media would be all over our backs," I chuckle.

"People would want our autographs!"

"And we could wear sunglasses whenever we want!"

She bursts out laughing.

"You and your sunglasses. Do you think it's possible to have a sunglass fetish?"

I start choking on the drink I am sipping. "A what?"

"A sunglass fetish. You know, like some people have foot fetish's. If its real, I think you have one."

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