Say Anything

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A/N: Okay, so it's been another era without any updates, and this has minimal editing, but it is longer, and the content definitely makes up for the long wait. And just to let y'all know, this is probably the most mature chapter I've ever written, so if you're awkward like me, it's okay. It's not terrible, and is most likely as mature as it's gonna get.

Enjoy :)


This is where I scream from

The moonlight shined through my curtains, casting a blue glow across the floor. I looked down at the address in my hands. He wasn't terribly far, but he wasn't next door. I took my thumb between my teeth and bit down, pondering if this was worth it. I had eaten today, so I was bloated. I purged as fast as possible, but it still didn't feel like enough.

If I went, it's not like anything terrible would happen. In fact, it would be beneficial. He would make me feel again. Perhaps, I could feel what happiness is.

But, there was the danger of my stupid father finding out. He would skin me alive that's for sure, and maybe Jordon too. Was it worth it? Was Jordon really worth the risk?

The answer was easy. Yes. If for just one moment; I would die for it.

There's a little bit of you in all this

I already had jeans and a shirt on. I threw a hoodie over top, and checked in the mirror to make sure my hair and make up was ok. It could've been better, but it was good enough.

I grasped onto my door handle and twisted it. I slowly pulled my door open, wincing at every minor sound it made. I looked down the hallway to see if there was movement in my dad's bedroom. It was too dark to tell. I listened intently, but couldn't hear anything. I tip-toed to the kitchen, where the stairs were located. I expected the yowl of a cat to give me away, but then I remembered there were no more cats in this house.

I pushed down the emotions threatening to break through, and continued on my way. I reached the stairs and looked back one more time to assure that my dad was still oblivious to this all. With another breath of courage, I scaled the stairs and made it to the door. I stuffed my feet into some shoes, grabbed a key, and opened the door. The cool air hit my face, and I took a drunken breath of freedom. So close. I stepped through and slowly closed the door behind me, listening one last time for my dad. When no sounds were made, I closed the door behind me.

I half expected the lights to flash on right then and there, but nothing happened. I was good. I was free. I did it. Almost giddily, I took off for Jordon's house.

You know I hate myself without you now

I arrived at his house, not quite sure how to get his attention. Do I, knock? No, I couldn't. I would wake up the whole house. Did he have a bedroom close to the ground? I could knock on his window. Would he be awake? There were no lights on. Was there a window open? I could call his name.

"Jordon?" I whispered. I quickly scolded myself at how stupid I sounded. No one would hear me whisper.

I felt so ridiculous standing here in front of his house. What if a neighbour saw and called the cops? Then I would be in huge shit without even making contact with Jordon.

This was so terrible. What was I doing? This wasn't me. I started walking back home. How could I be so stupid. Jordon probably forgot about me anyways. I wouldn't want to come off as desperate.

Guess that's just how it goes

A sound in the distance made me pause.

"Sparkles," a voice whispered sharply.

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