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A/N: I apologize in advance for anything in this chapter that may offend you. I am only typing the things I observe in my own high school.


You got here just in time to see everything fall apart 

Last Friday the student body had all collected their schedules for the second semester. Thankfully, that was the only thing we had to do that day, for I never would have been able to last. Unfortunately, that meant that after my two day grace, I had to begin again in a new formed hell.

But maybe I could turn things around. This was a new beginning. If I was lucky, everyone in my classes would be strangers to me. If I was lucky enough, no one would care -- or even know -- who my parents were, and that stigma wouldn't be set. But, knowing my luck, the Barbies would be in all of my classes, and make everyone team up against me somehow.

I walked into one of the four gyms my school had, and was instantly blasted by a wave of ice. The temperature in this room was at least ten degrees lower than the rest of the god forsaken building. It sucked -- especially first thing in the morning, every morning -- but at least I had an excuse to wear long sleeves. I let out a cool breath of air, when I saw there were already people here, including the teacher; I was neither late nor early. Good. That meant less attention.

I sat down, neither close nor far from the others -- none of which I recognized. The teacher was a middle aged man, but looked younger than most teachers. He was a large person, his face resembling something of a frog. I looked through my bangs at the others in the class. The usual group of foreign kids who excelled in academics and were only in gym to graduate. Those people were usually the ones picked on in PE, but with me here, they needn't worry. I saw two boys that screamed 'jock'. One was wearing a Team BC jacket for whatever sport, and sweats -- the other had basketball shorts and a shirt that was too tight for his muscular frame. Was he seriously wearing cut-off sleeves?

I let out a sigh of relief; no one here looked like impending doom.

Unfortunately, I spoke too soon, because in that same moment, the gym doors burst open, and in came Dayna. She was dressed in a Juicy Couture track suit -- or whatever the hell those preppy people wore that looked incredibly tacky, although made your ass look wonderful. She walked to the rest of us with her head held high, and long curls bouncing behind her. Was she carrying a leather purse? I almost -- almost -- let out a laugh, but quickly swallowed it, for I didn't want to be put for blame as to why she bullied me. I tried to hide my smirk when I realized that could be me, hence the money my family had, but here I sat in tattered clothing. God, no wonder my father despised me.

A few more unknowns walked through the door, and the teacher began his introduction. I almost felt elation rise in my chest as I realized that Dayna was a lone wolf in this class. She had just as many friends in here as I did. I could beat the shit out of her, and no one would pulverize me for it. I mean, this was gym. Aren't you supposed to beat each other up?

"Alright class!" the teacher announced in a voice that was way too gung-ho for gym. "I am Mr. Camero, and I will be here to whip you guys to proper shape, physically and mentally."

Well shit. I thought.

"Did someone in your family invent the Camaro?" a boy called out. I looked to see it was a blond boy sitting with the jocks.

"Ha ha," you could clearly hear the sarcasm in his forced laugh. "If someone in my family was the founder of that car company, do you really think I would be a teacher?" he paused to let the boy answer, to which he was about to, but cut him off before he could speak. "No! I would not be a high school gym teacher. I would be sitting pretty at home where I have heat, and wouldn't be getting asked that question 24/7. Any other questions you guys have?"

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