Far From Here

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A/N: can I just take a minute to thank you guys? Because the reads on this story are climbing so fast! I've never had a story that's been read so fast by people before thank you!


I sat in the gym, waiting for class to start. Strange enough, I wasn't as tired as I usually was. It was weird. Usually, I'd find some corner somewhere to curl up and sleep in, but today I had, energy. It was strange how noticeable the absence of energy was once I had some. Suddenly, I wasn't absolutely dreading running laps for the duration of Paradise City. It was, I, I didn't have a problem. Running seemed like such small pointless problem. It was stupid to worry about.

It was as if, I was positive for once. I was happy. Something I hadn't felt in a very long time. Why was this? Was it because of Jordon? Did having the admiration, and want from him make things better? Or was it the thought of showing off what I might have to others?

The teacher got us running, and after much huffing and puffing -- and complaining from others, Mr. Camero got us set up for the classic game of dodgeball. We set up the balls on centre line, and he set us into teams. Thankfully, little miss Dayna was on the other team. She had yet to make eye contact with me, or even acknowledge that I was in this class. So I guess she was up for a little wake up call today. I mean, I could just ignore her as well, and maybe she would forget about me all together. And this mess would slowly disappear.

But the bitch needed to get what she deserved.

We lined up against the walls, and then the whistle blew. The athletes, tryhards, and jocks charged forward, grabbing balls from the middle immediately throwing them at people. I waited near the wall, along with all the others that despised PE. Through the commotion, I saw Dayna leaning against the wall, texting on her expensive sparkly cellphone.

A ball slammed into the wall next to my head. Somehow, I managed to catch it on the rebound. I held the red rubber ball in my hand, plotting the demise of Dayna. I crept close to the centre line, and used every ounce of force I had to hurtle the ball at her. The ball kept from my hand and slammed into Dayna, knocking her phone from her hand. She snapped her head up, absolutely appalled. We made direct eye contact and I couldn't help but let a large smirk erupt over my face.

She bumped into me as she walked to the bench and muttered two words. "Fat whore."


And I don't think this is what you wanted now

Apparently word had got out to everyone at the school who had a social status about the so called incident in gym class, because when I walked into math class a fraction of a second late, everyone gave me a dirty look.

You're fucking kidding me right? I thought.

"You're late," Ms. Borcher snarled. Yes. She literally snarled.

"Sorry, um. I had gym," I mumbled.

"That's no excuse," she snapped.

"The gym's on the other side of the school."

"Walk faster."

Oh my god this woman! She was an absolute bitch. Maybe this was Dayna's mothers. I bit my cheek to hide my smirk.

"Sit down," she ordered.

I complied and found an empty table next to a window, trying my hardest to ignore the looks I was getting. I heard a stifled laugh behind me. I knew it was directed towards me. I'm sure they were sending all their hate for hurting their precious Dayna. The teacher began her lesson, and I quickly directed my attention elsewhere. I looked outside at the rain falling down. There hadn't been much snow this winter, just rain, maybe the casual hail storm. I liked rainy days. It made everything dark, and it matched what I felt inside.

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