"Fine, what do you want?" I asked. "I want two make-up kits, and two packs of your new facial thingys." She answers.

I rolled my eyes and just nodded. "I'll send someone to deliver it to you as soon as possible."

"Great, see ya." She honked the horn and drove right away. I made my way inside the building and went inside the elevator.

I put on the passcode and slowly opened the door and walked inside. The whole unit is so quiet and I assume that Tzuyu's already sleeping.

It's almost midnight, though. I turned off the lights and made my way upstairs.

I stopped on my tracks when I heard--


"It hurts!!"


But wait, I'm over reacting. It's their decision and as Tzuyu's most closest friend, all I can do is support her and give her advices.


He better not make her pregnant!

"Sshh, it's okay, I'll be gentle."

And that's where I confirmed that they are really--ugh! I opened the door of my room and went inside quietly.

I thought i'm going to have a good night sleep but no. I can seriously hear them! Until three in the morning!

I even put on my earphones around one because of how loud they are, and I just fell asleep when the time is now at I-don't-know-what-time, I just knew because I'm already dreaming.

Plus, the two doesn't know I'll be home. I didn't tell Tzuyu when I am coming back.

But still! Argh!

It was almost 11 when I woke up. I went to the bathroom and immediately took a bath. I wore my usual clothes and walked out of my room. Are they awake now?

When I smelled something in the kitchen, I made my way there and saw the two cooking. I'm sure they didn't noticed that I'm already here because they are so focused.

I cleared my throat, to get their attention. They both turned around. "U-Unnie?" She put down the spatula she is holding and ran towards me.

"Unnie, you're back!" She hugged me.

"Where were you?! Are you okay, now?!" She asks.

"I'm okay, I went away to relax." I answered. "And mind telling me why is he here?"

"And why are you guys so freaking loud until three am?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at them.

Her whole face turned red while Jungkook just chuckled. "Something seriously happened when you're away for almost six days." He answers. "Go and set the table, the omelets is almost done."

Wait, what?! Something fucking happened while I'm away?!

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked as I sit on the chair across to her.

"Y-You h-heard u-us last n-night?" She stuttered. I smirked and nodded. "I got home before midnight, U tried to stop myself from telling you guys to lower your voices for three hours."

"I thought you said it hurts? You seemed to enjoy it because you kept shouting "fast--"."

"Stop, unnie! It's embarassing!!" I bursted out laughing when she covered her whole face. Jungkook arrived holding a big plate that is full of omelets.

"What happened?" I asked as the three of us starts to eat.

"Unnie, remember when I told you that we bumped into a married couple weeks ago?" I nodded. "T-They, uh, they're my.." She looked at jungkook, probably asking for help.

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