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Luther led Elaina to the infirmary where Allison was sitting up weakly from her bed as Pogo sat beside her. Mom must've come in and helped her clean up since Allison was no longer wearing her bloodied shirt and was now wearing a fresh clean white one.

"Al," Elaina breathed out, running past Luther to get to her sister and wrapping her arms gently around her. "You scared the shit out of me," she murmured with teary eyes.

Allison pulled back and gave Elaina a weak smile as she cupped her cheek tenderly for a moment before picking up the notepad and retractable Sharpie in her lap. She began scribbling something on it before she turned it around towards Elaina.

You saved me

Elaina shook her head. "I did what anyone would've done. I love you, sis," Elaina smiled, her breath hitching a bit.

Allison gave her sister a sad smile before looking down at Elaina's chest, wordlessly asking about her own injury as if she could see it through the fabric.

Elaina glanced down and placed her hand over it. "What can I say? I'm a fast healer," she chuckled. "It was a close one, but I made it. We made it," she held Allison's hand. She brought her attention over to Pogo, watching as he sat beside them with a grim expression. "Pogo, Luther says there's something you know about Vanya. Is this true?"

He sighed remorsefully but nodded. "I'm afraid so. Your father was a man of many secrets, no doubt, and this was the biggest of them all," he explained.

Luther cleared his throat, clearing not wanting to relisten to what Pogo was about to say. "I'll be outside if you need me," his eyes lingered on Allison before turning around and exiting the door.

Pogo looked at the girls as he pursed his lips and continued. "Ms. Vanya was indeed gifted with abilities much like yourselves and your brothers, but they were... uncontrollable and dangerous," he said, causing Elaina to hold on to Allison's hand as the woman squeezed back, both paying full attention as Pogo went into the details of Vanya's powers. He explained how it was influenced by sound waves and that these waves released powerful vibrations so intense, they terrified their father. Reginald then had a secret soundproof room built in the basement to contain her and her robust abilities. Pogo even elucidated that if it weren't for Vanya's deadly interactions with their previous nannies, Mom would've never been created.

It was way too much information for Elaina to absorb. She experienced only a fraction of what Vanya could do, and honestly, it frightened her. She could sense the fierce vibrations all around her that night, and to comprehend that it was all coming from timid, sweet Vanya was surreal. 

This totally overwhelming.

Elaina stared at Pogo in complete shock "All this time and she was kept from us," she put together as she let out a shaky breath. "Because of Dad's fear, Vanya was turned into a pariah. From the very beginning, she could've been a part of the Umbrella Academy... She didn't need to get excluded!" exclaimed the frustrated teen, slamming her fist on top of the hospital bed while she looked at the chimpanzee. "He took advantage of Allison's abilities, Pogo. Took advantage of a 4-year-old's abilities! What sick bastard does that?!"

Pogo glimpsed at the girls with utter sadness. "I didn't agree with his methods, but he believed he was doing the best thing to keep your siblings, including Ms. Vanya, safe,"

"I'm sorry, Pogo, but that's a load of bull shit," she snapped, not at all concerning herself with his dislike of foul language. "That man didn't fear a thing!"

The older chimp remained silent for a moment, waiting a few beats before carefully responding "And yet, he feared her,"

She took a deep breath in, her gaze shifting to Allison as the woman wrote something down on her notepad.

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