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Five, Klaus, and Diego found Luther drinking beer at an Irish pub. After Diego managed to name-drop Allison and the word danger together in a sentence, the giant went running towards the door. The brothers then jumped in the car and were currently on their way to the cabin. 

Five was driving the car with Klaus beside him in the passenger seat while Diego and Luther sat behind them. The teen was trying to not floor it, his instincts were telling him something was wrong, but he fought against them and continued to drive only a couple of miles over the limit. He took a moment to pull out his phone and saw that he had no missed calls from Elaina.

Luther leaned into Five from the backseat. "Hey. Can you go any faster?"

Five put away the phone and looked back at the road. "Ask me again, and I'll burn you with the cigarette lighter,"

Luther leaned back in his seat as Five narrowed his brows and commenced to slowly pick up the speed. It took them five minutes before reaching the cabin and as soon as they did, Luther ran out of the vehicle while his brothers trailed behind him. They burst through the wooden door only to be greeted by the grotesque scene in front of them.

"Allison! No!" cried out Luther as he ran to the woman, her bleeding form was the first thing the guys saw.

Her eyes twitched as Luther cradled her in his arms, showing signs of fleeting life. Diego cautiously walked behind Luther while Klaus gasped, covering his mouth in shock at the horrific sight of his sister. The lanky man's eyes then drifted, following the smudges of blood on the floor until his gaze landed on the nearby body that was narrowly concealed by the couch.

Klaus felt his heart stop.

"L-Laney?" his voice shook as he found the strength to stumble toward her, seeing the girl laying on her side with her back turned away from the group. "Oh, no," he moaned.

Five was the last one to wander into the house, but the moment he did he was stunned by the scene. He witnessed Luther sobbing uncontrollably while holding onto Allison's profusing bleeding frame. Alarm instantly filled him and his mind immediately went to Elaina.  The boy was about to yell for her, but that was until he saw it

Peeking out from behind the couch, Five could see her favorite pair of boots laying extremely still. Five exhaled anxiously, taking a sluggish step to the right for a better look, and instantly wished that he hadn't. He saw Klaus trembling with his hands hesitating over Elaina, almost like he was scared of what he'd see once she was flipped over. His eyes widened and his breath hitched.

Please, no.

Not a second went by as Five spatial jumped in front of Klaus and peered down at Elaina's form.

Five kneeled silently beside Elaina as he took a deep breath. The boy reached out and clasped her shoulder, slowly laying her on her back as he took in the sight of her. She lay in a thick pool of her own blood. If he hadn't known that the shirt she was wearing was formerly white before arriving here, he wouldn't have been able to tell by the way that her blood had stained it crimson.

And then there was the kitchen knife sticking out of her chest... right where her heart should be...

Her usually smiling face was now a startling pale as two small streaks of blood trailed down her nose and more creeped out of the corner of her mouth. Five's hand shook when he moved it down to caress her cheek and he felt his heart shatter when he felt its usual warmth was now starting to cool.

Five began to hyperventilate, his jaw clenching harshly as his eyes snapped shut and his head dropped miserably. 

He punched the ground beside him. "Goddammit!" he hissed out bitterly, feeling the tears start to come and sting his eyes. Five glanced back at her as he gently lifted her into his arms, burying his face into her hair to hide his tears. "Elaina, please, don't do this..." he pleadingly whispered to her.

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