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Wednesday, 8:15 AM

"Three days?" asked Allison as she passed around paper cups of coffee to the group of siblings.

"That's what Five said," sighed Elaina, adding 6 packets of sugar to her already-sweetened coffee.

Klaus took the seat on the ground beside Elaina's feet. "The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it. He just left out the part about how soon,"

"But can we trust him?" questioned Allison. "I don't know if you've noticed, but Five's a little..." she twirled her finger near her temple and whistled to emphasize how crazy he's been.

Klaus chuckled as he put a hand on Elaina's knee. "Our little psycho,"

"He was pretty convincing," confirmed Luther. "If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him,"

"That's why they were after him?" asked Diego, his arm now in a sling as he held his coffee in his free hand.

"Yeah," muttered Luther unconvincingly.

Allison noticed. "What did Five even see?" she asked the blonde giant.

"Uhhh... Apparently," started Luther, trying to find the right words. "We all fought together against whoever was responsible," he remained quiet as everyone raised their eyebrows, waiting for him to further elaborate. "Okay. So, here's the plan," he deflected, clicking his tongue and getting up, trying to now completely avoid the subject.

Something that didn't fly as an uproar of objections filled the room.

"Wait, what?"

"Hold on, hold on,"

"Wait a tick, wait a tick,"

Allison, Diego, and Klaus began urging Luther to backtrack when he tried convincing them to search through their father's research of the moon. Elaina simply sat there, taking a casual sip of her coffee while staring Luther down. She watched as he pathetically tip-toe around the whole reason why Five was trying to save the world.

"What actually happened the first time around?" asked Klaus, clearly concerned.

"Yeah," chimed in Diego. "What are you not tellin' us? Come on, big boy, spit it out,"

Luther anxiously observed the group, feeling their piercing, questioning gazes on him while they waited for him to respond. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

This was absolute torture.

"Okay, I've had enough. Alright, everyone, look," called out Elaina, setting down her coffee cup and gaining the attention of the room while straightening up in her seat. "What Luther's big ol' gorilla heart can't seem to get out, I'll just say," she stated, taking a deep breath in before looking around at her sibling's faces. "We died. Horribly. All of us together," she reiterated Five's grim words.

"What was that?" questioned Allison with wide eyes.

Diego and Klaus's faces weren't much different as Elaina sighed and took a sip of her coffee. "Yeah, we don't make it in the apocalypse apparently,"

With the newfound knowledge about their fates out in the open, the room went up in an uproar. Everyone began talking over each other, trying to make sense of the events that were going to happen in three days. Elaina leaned her face against the palm of her hand, completely zoning out the frantic buzz of the room as her mind began drifting to Five. She wondered what the hell he could be doing at that Commission place. 

He said he'd be back. But how? When?

"Hey," Vanya's voice broke through the clamor. "What's going on?" she asked as a strange man stood beside her.

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