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Author's Note - August 31, 2022:

Why, hello guys. I just wanted to give a heads up to anybody that is currently reading this book and hasn't seen the announcement on my profile. OUT OF SIGHT will soon go under some serious revamping and will be unpublished for (hopefully) about 2 weeks while editing. 

I'm doing this for a number of reasons, but the main ones are:

1.)  Evolved writing style: As much as I love this story because of where we are now with it in book 3, it is in desperate need of a facelift - meaning when I actually start reading through the chapters, I can't help but cringe at certain things or how awful my grammar was, so I would like to fix it to better reflect how I write now.

2.) Spike in readers: I've been noticing (very gratefully I might add) that many of you have been adding OUT OF SIGHT to your reading lists. While I am extremely honored, I would like to generously showcase this story to you guys in a better, more thought-out way.

3.) Five and Elaina's age: Soooo this is something I've actually been thinking about a lot (since the second book tbh) and I think it better to age them up. Right now in this book, I was following the show exactly so I kept Five 13 and made Elaina 14. Due to personal preference and for the things that go down in the second and third books, I've decided to change Five and Elaina's age to 16, with her being closer to 17 (in the revamp, Five will most likely have jumped a little after his 16th birthday, but we'll see).

4.) Elaina: While writing this book, I had an idea for how I wanted Elaina to be, but her character wasn't fully formed yet and I feel like it shows in certain chapters. Since I've been writing her for the last two years I now feel like I know her as a character and can better include her in the story rather than have her simply tagging along. This doesn't mean that the way she's written here is gonna change entirely, but it just means I want to better elaborate on certain things when it comes to her. This could mean an added backstory chapter, a new side plot, or even a better prologue (if that's what you call what's currently there).

I don't know if there are any re-readers here, but if you're simply reading this story for the fun of it or to remember a few things, I'm interested in hearing your input when the story is republished (or just your thoughts in general on the re-editing).

I wanted to give a warning because I plan on unpublishing this story within the next few days and thought it'd be fair for you guys to know in case you're not done with it and notice that the chapters are gone. I'll try my best to get it out within a 2-week window at max, but my personal life has been a little hectic lately so this is a rough estimation. If it goes past the 2 weeks I'll make an announcement since I am also in the middle of writing the third book.

If you guys have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them. I'll keep this note up until the revamp is done and it'll get replaced with a disclaimer.

Thank you all for your comments, votes, and adds to your reading lists - it all means so much to me and I hope you guys are looking forward to the edited version of this book. :)

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