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Author's note:

Check out the music in the header, I feel like it sets the scene a little :) oh, and of course, Elaina's appearance is there as well.



14 years later and the memory of a particular boy still haunted Elaina, especially in her sleep.

The sound of the alarm ringing caused a groan to escape from the girl's lips. As much as she didn't want to wake up, she had to. With all the strength that she could muster, the girl pushed herself up. Her short brown hair was completely disheveled, resembling more a bird's nest than actual hair as her sleepy eyes remained shut. There she sat on the corner of the bed, letting a few moments pass by while she collected herself.

Do you want to know what's the best thing about having your brother as a roommate? Absolutely freaking nothing, because guess who still had to come up with both halves of the rent by herself?

Yup. You guessed it.

Elaina got up on her wobbly feet and walked toward the bathroom, her eyes remained tiredly closed. She was typically good at knowing her apartment, though this morning she was more exhausted than usual. It didn't help that her days and nights were mixed up, the proof was in the setting sun outside her window.

The life of a night owl she supposed. 

That being said, she was no match for the empty bottle of scotch that lay in her way, causing her to fall, crashing humiliatingly to the floor.

She forgot about her late night (early morning?) nightcap.

"I'm up now," she muttered with a groan, face to the floor. Elaina lifted her head up and looked over her shoulder at the empty scotch bottle that seemed to laugh at her. "Oh, shut up," she grunted, kicking it under her bed as she rolled over on her back and caught her reflection in the standing mirror nearby.

When did this become her life?


Music pounded way too loud as sweaty bodies swayed to the beat of the ever-changing tune. The smell of nicotine and alcohol perfumed the club. Dry ice machines filled the air with cloudy smoke and neon LED lights flashed in elaborate patterns, forming hyperactive light shows that hyped up the crowd even further.

Located in the center of the stage, a DJ booth stood in between two large speakers and a turntable with a connecting mixer. Buttons of different colors and functions flashed alongside switches that pertained to different faders. The brown-haired girl pressed her headphones closer to her ear as she bobbed along with the music, making sure to add an extra track of beats before transitioning the song to a new one of similar beats per minute.

 The crowd grew wild as the rhythm kept increasing, swelling up to the climax before dropping the beat at the perfect timing, the lights blinked in tune with the musical experience as lasers were thrown into the colorful mix.

"E!" came a muffled voice from the right of the booth, completely overshadowed by the sounds of the club. "E!" the person attempted again.

Elaina's head continued to nod along with the beat, eyes closed as she allowed herself to get swept away by the music. Her fingers moved instinctively, knowing exactly how her equipment was set up as they glided across and landed on a switch before slowly pushing it up. A fresh glass of scotch sat on her left as she lifted the glass toward the audience and let out an amped-up scream before taking a shot of it.

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