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Elaina went down for a nap shortly after her conversation with Klaus to sleep off the alcohol in her system. She rolled over, the picture still in her arms when her eyes shot open at the sounds of gunfire heard outside of her door. She jumped to feet without a second thought and threw open her door to see Diego fighting one of the masked people that shot at her and Five inside of the Gimbel Brothers store.

"It's them," she whispered, her eyes wide.

"Cha-Cha, shoot him," ordered the one in the blue mask as Diego tried to headbutt him and failed since the mask was reinforced.

The pink-masked one, now known as Cha-Cha, came in with the machine gun in her hands. "Get out of the way, dumbass," she said as she aimed to fire.

"Like hell you are," shouted Elaina as she ran in and with a push of her hand, she threw the two back with her force field. "Diego, let's go," she grabbed her brother's wrist and ran in the opposite direction of them while the shooters got back to their feet.

The brother and sister ran as Cha-Cha and her partner followed them, firing their bullets. Diego jumped over the railing to the first floor and Elaina followed. They landed and shoved themselves backward, taking cover behind the couch. They both looked up to see that the painting of their father was covered in gunshots.

"Well, that's lovely," she said as they heard footsteps approaching.

They moved towards the edge of the couch, but the shooters saw the movement and automatically released fire. Bullets flew everywhere as Diego and Elaina ducked close to each other, their hands on their heads. Elaina put her hands up slightly, just enough to create a protective barrier over the two of them.

Soon the shooting stopped as Luther came and grabbed Cha-Cha by the back of her collar and threw her backward. Allison took care of the blue one by kicking the gun out of his grasp and kicking him repeatedly on the sides. He saw an opening and grabbed her by the neck and commenced choking Allison in the air.

"Let her go!" shouted Diego, punching the guy in the back multiple times before Elaina got a head start and jumped on his back, pounding her fists at the back of his neck.

Luther jumped in and punched the guy once in the gut before grabbing him and throwing him in the same direction as his partner. He screamed in the air before landing harshly on the ground.

"Who the hell are these guys?" exclaimed Allison.

"Not important," answered Elaina. "We just need to deal with them,"

"You're welcome," said Luther to Diego.

"We were doing just fine," exclaimed Diego.

"Oh, yeah, you really had them--"

"Ever hear of a rope-a-dope?" defended a bitter Diego.

"Guys!" shouted Elaina at the pair before Cha-Cha opened fire on them again, everyone ducking for shelter.

"Get out of here now, go!" shouted Luther over the sounds of rapid gunfire.

Luther and Allison ran to the nearby corridor while Diego and Elaina crawled on the ground to the other side of the sitting room.

"Luther, go!" shouted back Diego.

Diego and Elaina made it and ran through the doorway. They parted ways as Elaina opted to go towards the hallways to follow Cha-Cha. She turned invisible to avoid being seen when she saw Klaus, completely oblivious to the danger around him as he danced around wrapped in a towel and with one on his head too, rocking to her MP3. She shook her head but was grateful that he wasn't paying attention. 

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