Ch. 14

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Winterfell, August 13th 2016

In the last four days since arriving Shawn had been astonished at the rate the defenses were being built. The only issue he took was the suspicious glares he was given when he ventured around the castle, which he only did so to familiarize himself with the layout should the dead breach the walls. One man even had spat at his feet but Shawn did not say anything in response. Although he did find himself drawn to one place in the castle, it's godswood. He never intended to do so, but he would often wander in the godswood and gaze upon the face carved into weirwood tree as though it had hypnotized him.

One this day he did sense he was being watched too at one point and turned around to see Arya Stark standing behind him, staring blankly at him but curiously. "Hi" he said politely and she approached him. "Hello" she said blankly and walked up to him, "what are you doing here?" She asked in an accusing sounding tone. "Looking at the tree?" Shawn replied. "What are you doing here?" Arya asked more firmly and got closer to him. Now Shawn saw what she meant. "I'm here because the Emperor told me to be here" he replied. "And how can we trust you or your Emperor? She is already forcing us under her how do we know you wouldn't do the same?" Arya said and Shawn was about to respond when a single Stark soldier ran up. "My lady come quick, the Kingslayer has arrived and Lady Sansa-" The soldier said until he was cut off by Arya, "not my concern she'll handle it" then she looked at Shawn. "Why don't you go and see what all the fuss is about".

All the lords and ladies gathered in the Great Hall, and Shawn stood behind Tyrion who was seated. Jaime Lannister stood in the center of the room while Daenerys, Jon, Sansa and Bran sat at the lead table as Daenerys spoke. "When I was a child my father told me a bedtime story, about the man who killed our father" she said in a venomous tone, "who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat and sat on the Iron Throne while watching his blood ooze onto the floor". "He told me other stories as well, about all the things we would do to that man once we had taken back the Seven Kingdoms and had him in our grasp". Shawn could sense Jaime's unease and Daenerys fury but did not dare say anything. "Your sister pledged to send her army North did she not?" Daenerys asked. Jaime nodded, "she did" he replied.

"I do not see an army, just a man with one hand, it appears your sister lied to me" Daenerys said still venomously. Jaime lowered his head slightly, "she lied to me as well", "what she told you in Kings Landing was a ploy, there was never any plan to send the Lannister army north, she hopes that if we defeat the dead she'll finish off what's left with the Iron Fleet and the Golden Company, who she has already bought and paid for". "After we defeat the dead?" Daenerys asked with slight confusion. "I pledged to fight for the living, I intend to keep that promise".

Tyrion then rose and stepped forward, "Your Grace I know my brother" he said assuringly. "Like you knew your sister?" Daenerys said to Tyrion with scorn and anger. "He came here alone knowing full well how he'd be received, why else would he do that if his intentions weren't honest?" Tyrion asked. "Perhaps he trusts his little brother to defend him, right up to the moment he slits my throat" Daenerys said back. "You're right we can't trust him" Sansa said, "he attacked my father in the streets of Kings Landing and tried to destroy my House and family the same he did yours". "Do you want me to apologize?, I won't" Jaime said back and Sansa was taken aback. "We were at War, everything I did was for my House and to protect my family" Jaime replied back in an unapologetic tone.

"So why have you now abandoned your House and family to come here?" Daenerys asked. "Because this goes beyond loyalty and oaths, it's about survival" Jaime responded after glancing back at Brienne who rose from her seat and walked forward. "You don't know me well Your Grace, But I know Ser Jaime, he is a man of honor", Brienne declared, "I was his captor once and when we were both taken prisoner and the men holding us tried to force themselves on me he intervened and saved me". "For this he lost his hand". Then Brienne looked at Sansa, "without him my lady you wouldn't be alive, he armed and armored me and sent me to find you to bring you home, because he had sworn an oath to your mother. Sansa then looked down collecting her thoughts for a few seconds before responding, "you vouch for him? And would fight beside him?" She asked. "I would" Brienne firmly replied. "I trust you with my life, if you trust him with yours then we should let him stay" Sansa said and Daenerys sharply glanced at her with disapproval.

Daenerys then looked over at Shawn. "Shawn, come here" she asked in a stern tone and Shawn walked out from behind Tyrion to stand before her. "Yes, Your Grace?" He asked. "Do your abilities allow you to see into another's mind?" Daenerys asked and Shawn knew where she was going. "They do" he replied. "Then might you see if Ser Jaime is telling us the whole truth?" Daenerys asked but it sounded more like a command. "Of course Your Grace" Shawn said and then turned around to face Jaime who looked at him with concern. "Hold him" Shawn said to two Unsullied soldiers who stepped forward and held Jaime by the arms, which he did not resist and Shawn got within arms reach. "What are you doing?" Jaime asked a little fearful.

"Making sure you aren't lying" Shawn said back with a little authority and then raised his hand at Jaimes face before peering into his mind with the Force. All the while Jaimes face contorted in pain and Shawn could see looks of fear and wonder from the others in the room. "Tell me, why are you here?" Shawn asked with a grit in his tone that he didn't recognize. "To-fight" Jaime wheezed and Shawn saw images in his mind of Cersei sitting in a chair arguing and Jaime saying he was heading north without her permission, even the towering Ser Gregor did not stop him. After determining he was being honest, Shawn released Jaime who let out a loud exhale while catching his breath.

Shawn turned back to face Daenerys, "he's telling the truth, he's not her to kill you" he said. Daenerys looked back at Jaime who was let go by the two Unsullied. "Very well" she said after glancing at the floor for a second. "What does the Warden of the North say about this?" She said while looking at Jon who seemed to have been spaced out during the whole meeting. Jon looked up at Jaime with a considering look, "we need every man we can get". Grey Worm then grabbed Jaimes sword and handed it back to him, Jaime took the sword and then gave a bow, "thank you Your Grace".

Daenerys then pushed her chair back and rose, then Sansa which made the other lords and ladies stand up as well. Sansa then walked off down one hall while Daenerys stormed out the main way. Tyrion looked at Shawn who gave him an indicating gesture to the room. Shawn looked back to see the others all staring at him, mostly with fear in their eyes.

********* Raxus

Clara watched as the bald woman got closer while Maarek got to his feet and wincing. "Oh this shall be easy" the bald woman said and ignited two red sabers while Maarek ignited his saber and standing in front of Clara. The bald woman charged and raised her sabers in the air but was suddenly stopped midswipe as though she was restrained by an invisible force. "Oh that is no way to treat a wounded adversary Ventress" a harsh mans voice said from the shadows and he started to emerge. Clara then saw it was Maul who released Ventress. The woman then retracted her sabers and made way for Maul who walked toward them in a slow menacing manner. "I was hoping for Vader, why are you here?" Maul asked. Maarek chuckled, "you wanted Vader to come? You might as well jump off the platform".

"Oh I would not go that easy, boy", "if I die it'd be for a greater purpose" Maul said in a taunting manner. He then looked at Clara curiously, "I can't say I've met you formally yet". "Maybe because you'd try to kill me" Clara replied and Maul snickered. "Oh you two would be a lovely couple indeed, though given the times, and your allegiances, it would not last". Clara and Maarek looked at each other when a super tactical droid approached Maul. "Sir, Lord Snoke wishes to speak with you" the droid said in a monotone mechanical voice. "Hm, very well" Maul said and turned away when suddenly a series of blaster bolts hit and destroyed the droids surrounding them.

Clara turned back to see the Phantom hovering mid air with Zeb standing out the back. "What're you waiting for? Come on!" He shouted. Clara helped Maarek to his feet and they ran toward the ship. Yet just as they both jumped Clara was stopped midair and hovered over the ledge. Maarek landed on the ship and looked back with anger. Clara looked back as best she could but was yanked back and into a pair of strong arms. "Oh you are not going anywhere, I need you for other reasons" Maul said and two tri fighters started firing at the Phantom. As a result the ship flew off while the fighters pursued.

"No, lemme go!" Clara shouted and wrestled with Maul who then turned her and ignited his lightsaber in her face. "I shan't be denied, if that boy is close to the Emperor I suspect he will be back with more capable resources". "And you are the bait".

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story, Part 2 #Wattys2024Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora