Ch. 23

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Clara watched as Maarek and Maul's crimson blades clashed over and over, at speeds she did not think were humanly possible. The pair locked up their blades, "I see that Vader has trained you well in saber combat" Maul said in a taunting manner at Maarek. "I added in my own techniques" Maarek said and pushed Maul back before front flipping over him in the blink of an eye and slashing Maul's back, the latter let out a yell of pain and tried swinging his blade at Maarek who simply sidestepped his attacks and ducked down and slashed up at Maul. Maul blocked the effort and then kicked Maarek back in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and making him gasp.

It was then that Clara saw a pair of battle droids approaching from behind Maarek. She quickly drew her blaster and fired two shots at the droids who fell, though the victory was short lived as two other droids emerged from the shadows. These were far larger and more human in appearance, they bother had large red eyes and carried large metal staffs, the ends of both then erupted into purple bolts of electricity resembling clubs. Without hesitation she raised her blaster and fired at the droids, though they simply spun their staffs like helicopter blades and blocked the laser bolts while charging at her. Clara continued to fire and drew her baton with her other hand in preparation for hand to hand combat.

Suddenly a form wielding a green lightsaber landed in front of her and blocked both staffs before they could strike her, it was Ezra. "Clara run!" He said as he pushed them back and blocking the attacks with sparks flying off his blade. One of the droids then broke off the attack and came at Clara, she blocked the incoming staff with her baton and dodged a following swipe. The droid then raised the staff over its head and Clara aimed her blaster at its head and fired before shooting its body twice, causing the droid to fall limp. She then glanced over and saw Maarek jump back to his feet and then assume a defensive position. "Give up now, or I will send your head back to Sidious" Maul ordered angrily pointing his saberstaff at Maarek. Maarek glanced at the window and then looked Clara a few times and she knew what he was planning.

Just then Ezra sliced the remaining droid in two before loping it's head off and also assumed a defensive stature.  Maarek then reached onto his belt and threw down several small objects which stuck to the floor and began beeping, bombs, Clara thought as Maarek bolted to the window and slashed it with his saber, causing it to shatter and he then jumped out. The bombs then exploded and Clara's ears rang from the intense sound but was interrupted by Ezra. "Come on we gotta go!" He yelled and then began running out of the room, Clara collected herself and bolted after him.

Passing by the other windows she saw the battle was seemingly being waged in the Empire's favor, as the TIE Fighters managed to destroy one of the smaller droid landing craft. "Where're we going?!" Clara shouted as an explosion rattled the building. "We gotta rendezvous back with the Ghost, this place is lost!" Ezra shouted back as two stormtroopers turned the corner and began firing at the duo. Clara dodged the bolts and fired her own shots back, hitting both square in the chests. A third then also turned the corner but Clara jumped up against the wall and then kicked the trooper across the face while not breaking stride.

The pair then made it to the main lobby which had been pulverized by a crashed droid fighter, Clara could see the Ghost hovering in the courtyard. "Hurry, we're almost !" Ezra shouted and reached the ship first, jumping up onto its ramp. Clara followed and lost her footing, Ezra then spun around and with a raised hand stopped her with the Force and pulled her back in. It was then that four Droidekas rolled out from the broken lobby, all four then unfurled and began firing at the ship as the ramp closed. "Hera, let's go!" Clara shouted as the ship turned sharply. Climbing up into the cockpit, Clara saw three of the star destroyers opening fire at various positions over the city. The level of damage caused her great concern, would Maarek be ok? Would she even see him again? Among other questions. Without a second thought Hera pushed a few buttons and the window turned blue, as the ship entered hyperspace.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story, Part 2 #Wattys2024Where stories live. Discover now