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********July 30th, Dragonstone

An Unsullied solider had retrieved Shawn's bag from the castle not long after they'd anchored at Dragonstone. He stuffed what remained of his cut up bloody shirt into the bag and put a clean one on, along with a new jacket. Though the efforts made his shoulder burn a little which in turn made him wince. Despite this he managed to dress himself before heading up onto the deck where the skiff was returning from shore after bringing Daenerys back onto the island first. Drogon and Rhaegal both flew over the castle, and Shawn found it sad to see it was only two of them and not three. Sensing a presence approaching Shawn looked back to see Jon Snow walking up from below deck as well. He saw Shawn and gave him a curious look before walking over, "thank you for saving me from almost getting killed" he said in a clipped voice which had a somewhat unsophisticated sound to it.

"No problem, Your Grace" Shawn replied offhandedly but then remembered what Daenerys had said to him. Jon chuckled a little, "I'm not King In The North anymore" he said in a plain manner. "Sorry, old habit" Shawn replied and looked back for a few seconds to see the skiff was closer now. "What kind of sword is that you carry?" Jon asked and indicated to the lightsaber on Shawn's belt. "It's called a lightsaber" Shawn said and grabbed the hilt before holding it out a little. Then he ignited it and he saw Jon take a cautious step back. "It can cut through anything, guess it kills wights too" Shawn said before retracting the saber and putting it back on his belt. "If we head to Winterfell you'd probably best not use it unless you have to, the northerners would think you're some kind of sorcerer" Jon explained.

After landing on the island and walking up to the castle Shawn saw something unexpected in the courtyard, an Imperial shuttle landing. Curious, he walked over to the descending ramp and two stormtroopers walked off first. Then Shawn saw Tarkin walk down. "Ah Mendes, I wasn't expecting to see you on this world" Tarkin said politely, "I take it the Emperor has a task for you here?". "Yes sir he does" Shawn replied, "but why are you here?". "I was merely seeing to how our presence this far out in the Outer Rim fares, and our representative on this world told me of this claimant Queen" Tarkin said and Shawn sensed someone approaching and saw Tyrion walking out of the castle, along with Jon and Varys. "I see another visitor has joined us" Varys commented.

"Who might I be speaking to?" Tyrion asked Tarkin as he approached. "Greetings, I am Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin of the Outer Rim, who are you?" Tarkin replied. Tyrion gave Shawn a look indicating an explanation. "He's the governor of the whole area this worlds in" Shawn said as he attempted to explain in a way that Tyrion would be able to comprehend, though knew he would never truly understand how large the Galaxy was at large. "Interesting, I'm Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the Queen, Lord of Casterly Rock, and Warden of the West" Tyrion replied, "this is Lord Varys, the Queens Master Of Whisperers, and this is Jon Snow the recently named Warden of the North" Tyrion explained while indicating to the two men on his left and right.

"Nice to meet you gentlemen, if it's not too much trouble might I speak with your Queen?" Tarkin asked. "I'm afraid that might not be possible Governor, we're currently preparing for a meeting tomorrow in Kings Landing with my sister Queen Cersei, it's important that our Queen prepare for the meeting best she can" Tyrion said apologetically. Tarkin seemed a little disappointed yet understandable. "Ah I see, well I'd best continue onward to see Director Krennic, take care gentlemen" Tarkin said before heading back onto shuttle followed by the two stormtroopers before the ramp went up, then the ship took flight and headed into the sky until it could,not be seen. "It would seem our Queen is quite popular with those not of this world" Varys remarked. "Well it's the dragons that gets people's attention" Shawn replied.

****** Imperial Palace , Coruscant

Maarek had taken Clara into a cell and left her alone for what seemed like several hours, which made Clara figure it was night on the planet. Though the cell door slid open and there was Maarek, along with an older man in a white Imperial officers uniform. Clara had never seen any Imperial Officer wear white before, and thought he had to be a member of the Empire's intelligence services or something. "This is the girl in question?" The man asked Maarek in a clipped deepish voice. "Yes Colonel Yularen , I'm sure she knows about where the rebel base is" Maarek said and that was Clara's first indication that Maarek was stalling, or at least trying to deflect attention onto matters that the Imperial military at least would find more important than four individuals. "Hm, I see" Yularen said and approached Clara.

"What system is the rebel base located in?" Yularen asked. "Your moms wardrobe" Clara retorted sarcastically and she saw Maarek restrain a laugh whereas Yularen was unimpressed. "Very amusing" he said plainly, "I'll ask you one more time, what system is the rebel base located in?". "The system of where the sun doesn't shine" Clara replied sarcastically again and Yularen raised an eyebrow in confusion. "It's a uh euphemism for the rectal area" Maarek explained and Yularen rolled his eyes. "Can't you just use your ability to read thoughts on her? Or would Kogo or Gollin be more willing?" Yularen asked Maarek in a frustrated tone. "Maybe" Maarek said and walked up to Clara while raising his hand at her face. At first Clara braced for the intense pain but instead felt nothing. She instantly realized that Maarek was only pretending to read her mind to protect her? Or the rebellion? Either way she knew that what he had done would not be easily forgiven.

"I see...Dantooine" Maarek said to Yularen and the Colonel nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you Stele, I did not think that the girl would be so..vulgar" Yularen commented and just as he walked up to the door it opened, and on the other side stood a girl about Clara's age with red hair and green eyes. "Ah,Lady Mara, What brings you you here?" Yularen asked while moving aside to let her in. "I just wanted to see who Maarek brought back, without telling anyone" Mara said while giving Maarek a glare which he only rolled his eyes at in return. Mara walked up to Clara and gave her a soft yet firm look, "what's your name?" She asked. "Clara" Clara replied. "Well Clara, just know that Maarek might try seducing you-" Mara started. "I won't" Maarek replied with a sigh of denial. Clara almost laughed but shrugged and figured there had to be a story to it.

"Why? Did he try it with some other girl?" She asked. "Oh plenty of times, especially when there's a banquet I always see him taking some Governors daughter back to his room". Clara saw Maarek red with embarrassment and he started walking out of the cell, "thanks Mara, How'd you like it if I told Shawn you spied on me like that". Wait, are Mara and Shawn? Is she his girlfriend? Clara thought to herself and watched as Maarek walked out with Yularen. Regardless of how Mara had embarrassed Maarek by telling of his promiscuity, Clara knew of had to have been nothing compared to how harsh of a punishment he would receive if the Emperor found out he lied to protect her.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story, Part 2 #Wattys2024Where stories live. Discover now