Ch. 34

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Honolulu International Airport,

Given the danger of having every head of state gathered in one place at once, the leaders all began to depart that evening. Riosovksy had been busy with dealing with affairs back home and had not had an opportunity to speak to Nikolai. Though as all four of them were being driven back to the airport he decided to begin his questioning. "<<Yes Oleg Anatolyevich, we should make sure that the Empire is in for a nasty surprise when the truce expires in two days, move the 1st Guards Tank Army into attack positions outside Samara>>" Riosovksy said into the phone to his Minister of Defense, Oleg Zadornov. "<<Yes sir, but we have the situation of your own safety to discuss, I do not think it would be wise to remain in the Kremlin when hostilities resume>>" Zadornov said back to him. Riosovksy glanced at Nikolai who gazed outside the window as the convoy was driven through the security gate. "<<Prepare the Yamantau bunker, quietly>>" Riosovksy said back, "<<And have the Minister of Emergency Situations see that the nearby town is cleared of any civilians, we cannot be compromised this time>>" he ordered. "<<Yes Mr. President, I will see that done>>" Zadornov said and Riosovksy ended the call.

He then looked at Nikolai, "<<Kolya>>" he said and Nikolai looked at him. "<<what is the matter?>>". Nikolai sighed, "<<Papa don't you see more people are going to die? What is nuking the Imperial Fleet going to accomplish?>>" he asked disdainfully. "<<We have no choice, our army is now larger than during the Great Patriotic War and we may not be able to defend ourselves>>" Riosovksy explained, "<<we have lost almost two thousand tanks in the last month>>". "<<And taken out hundreds of Imperial walkers>>" Nikolai said back, "<<if you had built more tanks sooner we would not be in this position>>". Riosovksy shook his head in confusion, "<<what are you talking about?>> he asked. Nikolai rolled his eyes, "<<Papa, you've launched two large wars in the last two years and depleted our weapon stockpiles without properly replenishing them>>".

Riosovksy pointed at him now angered by his son's accusations. "<<Let me tell you something Kolya, this is the 21st century not 1942, we do not have hundreds of factories churning out tanks and ammunition because it is very expensive, building armies are just as expensive as the conflicts they are used in>>", "<<would you have me manufacture these things on borrowed credit?>>". Nikolai sighed, "<<Or you could have just not launched the last two wars?>> he said back and Riosovksy noticed Pavel and Alexi were becoming uncomfortable by the argument. "<<Kolya, those were military operations not wars, do you understand?>>" Riosovksy said in a raised tone. Nikolai slammed his fist down on the armrest, "<<for Gods sake papa! You have the army march into an another country and fight their army, that's a war!>>". Riosovksy was angry now but he decided to instead take Thomason's advice. "<<Why are you reacting this way? Huh?>>" he said back in a raised tone, "<<is this because of Kiev?>>". Nikolai didn't answer him back but Riosovksy could see that remark struck a nerve, as Nikolai's jaw clenched.

The car then stopped as they had reached the plane. Nikolai quickly grabbed his satchel and opened the door before the American police officer could. "Kolya!" Riosovksy called out and looked at Pavel and Alexi who looked back at him with sad expressions as Nikolai exited the car. "<<Just grab your things boys>>" Riosovksy said and grabbed his folders and walked out. Nikolai was halfway up the ramp when Riosovksy quickly caught up with him and grabbed his arm. "<<Son, stop we are going to talk about it when we are airborne, and do not give me anymore arguments do I make myself clear?!>>" he shouted. Nikolai sighed, "<<fine>> he muttered and walked onto the plane. Riosovksy sighed and stopped Pavel and Alexi made their way up the ramp, "<<Pasha, Aloysha I'm sorry for arguing with your brother like that, but this is not like him and it is irritating>>". Pavel then cleared his throat, "<<Papa, you need to calm yourself>>" he said quietly and tilted his head toward Alexi who had a tear run down his face. Riosovksy put his arm around Alexi and walked him into the plane, "<<it's ok Aloysha, your brother is just not himself right now is all>>" and kissed the top of his head a couple times. "<<You two head to our cabin, I'll speak with your brother>>".

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story, Part 2 #Wattys2024حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن