Ch. 42

9 0 0

Hagerstown Maryland,

Johnson took the news with a sense of relief and also uncertainty. What had they done? She wondered, along with the repercussions of what transpired. Her thoughts were shattered by the sound of an explosion outside which shook the building, causing dust to fall in her face. "General! The Imperial walkers are opening fire" one of the soldiers shouted from the staircase leading to the ground floor. Johnson then looked back at her Secret Service agents who were clad in tactical gear and began to walk toward the stairs. "Wait ma'am!" Cooper called out as he fastened his helmet and grabbing a spare which he handed to her. "Madam President I must issue a formal protest, you cannot go out there!" Cooper said in a worrisome voice. The head of Johnson's detail nodded in agreement, "the general is right ma'am, you can't be out there". Johnson simply fastened the helmet to her head, "with all due respect General, I'm the Commander-In-Chief, not you" Johnson replied politely before she walked up the stairs.

As she walked out the doors she saw that the doorway had been fortified with two machine gun nests next to it, with a series of trenches scattered in the field. Suddenly a large laser bolt struck the ground in front of the trenches and Johnson saw three Imperial walkers emerging from the smoke near the regional airport , the AT-AT class. Johnson then ducked behind one of the fortifications with her detail which gave the soldiers present quite the shock. "Pardon me" she said apologetically and noticed a pair of binoculars, "May I?" She asked. One of the soldiers who handed them to her, though as she took them she noticed a news crew in blue Kevlar vests were nearby and filming her. Johnson paid them no mind and looked into the binoculars, the walkers aimed their cannons and fired at the trenches some more, a few troops flung into the air.

Johnson then looked at Cooper. "General, are there any tanks nearby?" She asked. Cooper also looked through his own binoculars, "yes ma'am, but the armor of the walkers is too strong for the shells". An explosion rang out followed by crumbling debris as a building collapsed. "Load sabot shells and target the neck areas, and call in the Air Force to drop JDAMS from the top, have the helicopters engage any fighters" Johnson said and Cooper nodded before relaying the orders into his radio. Suddenly several TIE Fighters flew out of the smoke and fired their cannons. The lasers strafed the trenches and then a bolt zipped by Johnson and struck of her Secret Service agents who was instantly vaporized. The bombardment continued until the fighters were suddenly struck by missiles, their fiery husks crashing into the ground. The helicopters flew by overhead as there was a series of booms as the tanks located half a mile to the east opened fire, the shells struck the walkers in the necks. Initially the walkers seemed to shake off the attack until the telltale roar of jets high in the sky rang out as their payloads struck the walkers on the top of their necks, destroying the command modules and making them crash into the ground. The troops all yelled out in applause at the sight. Johnson looked at Cooper, "General, advance" she ordered. "Yes ma'am" Cooper said and he looked over at one of the lower ranking officers, "Major, advance!" He yelled.

The major nodded back in agreement, "let's go guys! Kick these bastards off our planet!" He shouted and began sprinting toward the Imperial positions as all of the troops leapt out of the trenches, firing as they advanced. Johnson stepped out from behind the sandbags and watched as more of the troops advanced, a few even from behind her as more helicopters flew by overhead. "Stop right there" one of the Secret Service agents said and Johnson looked behind her to see what had happened.

"Hey come on man, I'm just trying to get some words from her is all" the reporter said. "Jacob, it's fine met her through" Johnson said to the agent who allowed the reporter and her cameraman to pass, though Johnson noticed all of the agents had hands on their weapons. "Madam President, Madeleine Smith of WDVM News and we're wondering if you could give some remarks" the reporter asked as a jet screamed by, the concussive force of the engine rattled Johnson's chest.

"Well I don't see why not" Johnson replied, glancing at Cooper who had resumed giving out his orders. "Ma'am, what made you want to come to the front of risk your life?" Madeleine inquired nervously. "Well millions of our troops are at this very moment placing themselves at risk for the survival of our country, I didn't think it fair to indefinitely be holed up in a bunker while others died" Johnson replied. "We've heard rumors that Congress will prematurely hold the election in two days, are you worried that this stunt will hurt your chances for reelection?" Madeline asked.

Johnson pondered momentarily as the question could be construed as provocative, "that did not occur to me actually, but as the people's representatives I trust that the House and Senate will make the right decision" she responded humbly. "We've received word of a nuclear explosion somewhere in the South Pacific, is this true? And is the United States involved?" Madeline asked as gunfire rang out in the distance along with blaster fire.

"That is true, however it was not us but rather the Russians, with the consensus of the other world leaders at our summit in Hawaii", "I only hope that it's the one bomb that Riosovsky had used and has no designs upon using more" Johnson explained as she looked over to see the Imperial banner over the airport be cut down and a tattered American flag placed in its spot. She then smiled and gestured, "do you see that Madeline?" And Madeline's cameraman turned the camera in the direction of the flag. "That's the sight of hope there", and that is what will help us send these asswipes back to the Emperor in body bags" she declared triumphantly as more jets flew past overhead.

******The Ghost

"If my uncles alive he would be back on Earth now" Tatiana said as Clara listened. She took the remarks in stride but was thinking of the ramifications of Riosovksy accepting any kind of offer to govern Earth in the Emperor's name, she knew that they would be best seeing for themselves what had happened and decided to speak. "Um what if we contact General Draven and ask him what's happened?" Clara suggested and Hera nodded in agreement. "Worth a shot" Ezra replied  as Hera punched a few buttons in the control panel, a few moments later the image of General Draven appeared. "Sorry to intrude Draven but we need some intelligence updated" Hera started. "Intelligence on what exactly?" Draven asked curiously and Clara walked up. "If the Russian president is now a puppet of the Emperor or if he did something unexpected" she said in a respectful manner. Draven nodded, "as a matter of fact Smith, we've gotten word of an extraordinary development on your home world, President Riosovksy was returned from Imperial custody but he destroyed a large part of the Imperial fleet with a nuclear weapon".Clara was a bit shocked by the revelation. "Really? That's great" she said and looked at Tatiana who looked proud. "Maybe it would be best if you personally led reinforcements to Earth, we've received word of a planet wide counterattack" Draven suggested, Hera looked over at Clara who gave a shrug of approval. "We will gladly do that General, what's the entry point?" Hera asked in turn.

"Over the body of water called the Atlantic, the Imperial forces are stretched thin but our Fulcrum sources have heard murmurs of them sending reinforcements" Draven explained, "Smith, in your opinion, where should we focus our attention?" He then inquired. Clara pondered the question for a moment, of over the Atlantic Ocean they could begin by heading to the U.S and chip away at the Imperial forces in New England and the Canadian coast. Or they could go further inland and attack where least expected. The cities of Syracuse, Rochester were prospective targets along with the Canadian capital of Ottawa and even Toronto. Clara reached over to the control panel and opened a holographic map of North America and pointed at the east coast. "We should hit them where they least expect, let's strike them at Syracuse first before moving to Rochester" Clara began, "then split the attack force in two and head for the cities of Ottawa and Toronto". Draven cocked and eyebrow. "That's quite far inland Smith, and the Empire will be on guard for any aerial assault, the city of Toronto is the location of the primary Imperial base on Earth, it is heavily defended" Draven responded cautiously. Clara nodded, "yes but the symbolism of liberating a capital city and raiding their base  could break their morale" she finished. Draven nodded, "very well Smith, you will rendezvous with the attack force behind the Earths moon, I suggest you depart immediately" he concluded before the hologram ended.

Hera looked at Clara, "guess you're going home". Clara smiled a little bit, "looks like it, and some asses are going to be kicked" she responded in turn as Hera turned the ship around and entered the hyperspace coordinates before the stars turned to lines, followed by a blue tunnel. As they entered hyperspace Clara wondered one thing, if she could check on her home perhaps she could also check on Shawn's home. Even though he would certainly not be there, she knew he would appreciate the kind gesture if she ever came across him again. For in these dark times, kind gestures were a dime a dozen.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story, Part 2 #Wattys2024Where stories live. Discover now