Ch 22.

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Imperial Palace, Coruscant

Shawn walked out of the hanger bay into the main atrium to the palace with a sigh of relief, although he enjoyed being away from the Empire he did not like being out of touch from everyone in his life. Soap was what he missed most especially, real soap not made from horse. His relief soon turned to interest when he spotted a familiar face with an entourage approaching, it was Leia. She noticed him and smiled while walking up to him, "hello Shawn" she said and went to hug him which he did the same. "Hey Leia, why're you here?" Shawn asked with a smile. Leia chuckled, "I am officially the junior Senator of Alderaan, as my father had more important business to attend to" she explained with a wink at the end, "that and I was invited to a ball here at the palace this evening for the latest class of cadet graduating". "Cool cool" Shawn said, "I'll be sure to swing by then" as he started to pass by her, "see you then Your Highness" he said with a curt nod which Leia returned and returned to her group as Shawn headed up the large flight of velvet stairs to the turbolift.

The doors slid open, revealing the sunlit hallway which was surprisingly bristling on this day. A pair of Imperial Officers passed by Shawn as he headed toward his room, "I hear that Saw Gerrera has taken up base on the planet Jedha" one said which made him focus his hearing on the conversation, "Hopefully the local garrison is enough, the Senate is dragging its feet as it is". Then Shawn reached his room and pressed the button opening the door. Immediately upon entering he sensed something was off, some of his belongings had been moved around, an odd thing besides his bed being made surprisingly given how he neglected it usually. Setting his bag down he then saw what was gaining his attention, his old iPhone was sitting on his desk. This was out of the ordinary, as he always kept it in a drawer as a keepsake, he picked it up and put it back in his drawer and then began to ready himself for the evening.

After a much wanted shower and fumbling with a provided suit Shawn was in the middle of combing his hair back when he sensed someone at his door, it was Mara. He walked over and pushed the button, opening the door. There Mara stood in a beautiful teal dress, her hair pulled up in a braided bun and pieces of glitter on her face. The sight was so angelic to Shawn that he almost forgot to speak until he did, "uh hi" he stammered while looking her up and down. Mara smiled and chuckled, "hi" she said in a joking manner and then cupped his cheek and kissed him. "Why're you?" They both said simultaneously then laughing at the realization they had both asked each other the same question. "The graduate banquet I'm guessing?" Mara asked, "I didn't think that's your thing" she said. "Leia asked if I'd swing by for a little bit but I might've overdressed" Shawn said with a chuckle while adjusting his dress jacket, "you look beautiful by the way". Mara blushed and then grabbed his hand, "we'd best get going then" and then they headed to the turbo lift.

The pair of them entered the large banquet hall and were met by a sea of black uniforms, it was all of the cadets who had graduated from the academy on Coruscant. Many of them conversed amongst themselves, drinks in hand with some laughing and others with more serious demeanors. The sight while seemingly not out of place for Shawn did stun him as he realized many of the cadets were his peers. "May I offer you a drink?" A serving droid said as it passed by. Shawn and Mara both glasses of the wine and sipped it, it was a fine vintage that had been specially selected for these cadets though Shawn found it a tad sweet. Mara led him around nodding and raising her glass at many of the attendees, most of whom respectfully did so in return though with confused looks on their faces as the two of them did stand out a little. "Good evening Senator Pamlo" Mara said to a woman wearing a beige colored dress and veil who turned and greeted the two with a smile. "Good evening Lady Mara, what brings you here?" Pamlo asked politely. "My father was meant to be here tonight but had more pressing issues in the Hosnian system" Mara explained. "Such a shame, I had hoped to give him my regards" Pamlo said and then looked at Shawn, "and you are?".

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story, Part 2 #Wattys2024Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz