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Imperial Palace, Coruscant

When Clara came to she found herself not in a cell but laying on a red velvet carpet face down, and heard could faintly hear. some voices. "I tried to tell him otherwise but Maarek insisted on bringing this rebel girl back, master" Clara heard Vess say in a irritated tone and Clara raised her head to see where she was, she saw that she was in a massive room with a window on one end, and a large metropolis in the background. She realized that she was on Coruscant, and most likely not just anywhere on Coruscant. "Tell me Stele, what makes you so sure that Lord Vader or the Inquisitors cannot locate Ahsoka Tano or Rahm Kota on their own, after all that is their prerogative" a evil and raspy sounding mans voice said and Clara's heart skipped a beat as she realized who she had been brought before, the Emperor himself.

"Because I've become friendly with her, and think she may tell something if I asked it" Maarek said and and Clara saw him and Vess facing toward a silhouetted figure in a throne. "Hm, and yet I sense something more to your intentions" the Emperor said, "and that she has been listening in on this conversation for a moment". Vess and Maarek then turned around and Clara tried to stand up but found her hands were cuffed behind her back. Maarek then went over and helped her to her feet. The Emperor then chuckled in a manner that made Clara's blood curdle. "She has spirit" he said, "yet I'm sure you will work your way around it one way or another, Stele". "Of course sir" Maarek replied. Clara could now somewhat see the Emperor, but only saw a hooded figure and two very pale and decrepit hands.

"Are you frightened child?" The Emperor asked Clara but she didn't respond, which only made the Emperor chuckle once more, "She is much like Mendes", "a strong spirit perhaps but not all spirits are unbreakable". Then he slowly rise from the throne and began to walk towards them. As he got closer Clara could now see his face and was creeped out when he came to just an arms length away. His face was saggy, and a gray pale color with red bags under his eyes, which were an unnatural yellow amber color that bore into her soul. "You should tell me everything you know here and now, and I promise that no harm shall be done to you" The Emperor said in an attempted courteous manner that only creeped Clara out further. "Lemme think, uh no" she replied defiantly and the Emperor smiled and chuckled before reaching his hand out and touching Clara's chin with his finger, "Oh you should be quite the challenge". Then he lowered his hand and turned to Maarek, "Do not fail me" he said in an almost threatening tone. "I won't sir, I promise" Maarek replied.

********Narrow Sea, Westeros, July 29th 2016

Shawn saw light begin to appear, then felt a slight chill on his chest area before he opened his eyes and saw he was in a small cabin, and based on the slight swaying motion he figured he was on a ship. Shawn tried to push himself up but still felt a sharp pain on his shoulder which made him wince and stop, looking over he saw his shoulder was wrapped tightly with bandages that had a little red spot in the middle. "Please, you shouldn't move" Daenerys said and Shawn realized she was sitting at the side of the bed. He could see and sense her distress about Viserion. "How do you feel?" Daenerys asked him softly. Shawn still felt a little bit faint but figured he'd best not move about too much for a while longer. "Better, how long was I out?" He said in a groggy tone. "Five days" Daenerys replied, "we're only a day from Dragonstone".

Shawn heard the slight crashing of the waves and the sounds of Drogon and Rhaegal squawking to each other a little above. Then he figured he should say something about Viserion. "I'm so sorry" he said, "for your loss". Daenerys then sniffled a little, "it's alright, these things happen in war, if I hadn't seen all of them I wouldn't have believed Jon Snow", "and he would've died and wouldn't have been named Warden of the North". Warden? I thought he was a King? Shawn thought and was about to ask how Jon had somehow made it back to Eastwatch but then heard his comlink beep. He reached down into his pocket and pulled the comlink out. "Yes?" He asked. "Hello Mendes, this is Captain Needa of the Avenger and I'm simply making sure you're still alive" A mans voice said and Shawn almost laughed a little at the words. "Um thank you, Captain I'm alive" Shawn replied and cut the transmission.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story, Part 2 #Wattys2024Where stories live. Discover now