chapter 13

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You shut your eyes tightly as you let out a small groan.

"Can you not take me back to Kai?" You asked the Naga in front of you.

"Why?" He questioned you as he slowly turned his gaze from the ground back to you.

"Its a long story..." you said as you sighed. Frustration crawled up your form like a monster consuming you.

"I like stories, I'll have you know" he said as he waited for you to explain what had happened. His orbs lit up with curiosity.

You sighed again, not wanting to remind yourself that you had left him. Especially after what he told you.

"Well" you began.

"Kai had rescued me after an accident. He helped me and we got to know one another. We spent some time together and just the other night he confessed something quite complicated to me. The thing is, is that I can only stay here for two weeks and I need to get back to my group before they leave. Knowing them they will leave without me"

"Oh,okay" the male in front of you said as he rested his chin in his fingers, in thought.

"Well,that doesn't explain why you can't see Kai" he said.

"Well,I have already told him I need to go at some point. He was disappointed but it has to be done. I have family waiting for me"

He looked at you and then spoke.

"Why not just stay with Kai and see your family another time?"

You shook your head in frustration. He was making this hard for you. You your self  didn't want to leave Kai but your family is family. You also had a life ahead of you.

"I just- I can't stay" you said to the Naga.

He hummed and turned towards the entrance of the cave you were in. You looked past him to see a small body of water. Like the water near Kai's cave.

You got up and walked towards the entrance. You stopped when you were beside the Naga.

"The water looks beautiful" you said as you wanted to jump in it. It would be so relaxing. Just like the time you were with Kai.

You hung your head as your thoughts returned to him. You couldn't get him out of your head at the moment.

"Why don't you go in then?" He spoke. The softn clanking of his braided hair as he turned towards you took you out if your thoughts.

You looked at him and then at the water.

"There are some nice flowers over there aswell. I heard females enjoy plant life" he spoke as he slowly slithered out into the world.

He was right, flowers were nice. You hesitantly followed him out of the cover of the cave and out into the open.

You took a step onto the soft soil and your face was greeted with light  beams of sunlight breaking through the tops of the trees.

A smile crossed over your face as you made your way to the water.

Maybe staying with Kai won't be so bad..

You though as you stepped out closer to the water.

This new Naga you had meet was strange. He had a intimidating aura to him,but his smile said otherwise. It was almost as if he was a bit childish.

"So, Zagan. How do you know Kai?" You asked as you slowly plopped down on the ground close to the waters edge.

He looked at you and then looked down at his clawed hands, clenching then slightly.

Beyond the limits (male NagaOC / fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now