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It's been a while, huh?
Well, I am back! And guess what? So is the second book! Chapter 1 was just published for you all to read! I am so excited to be finally posting the second book to continue this mysterious journey of the romance between Kai and y/n! I hope that the people who have stuck around are pleased with the new Chapter!

Little life update, I needed a long break. Things for me mentally werent and still aren't good. But, I am feeling better and I am on the road to recovery so I decided to finally start continuing this passion of mine. Thank you to all of the support and love. It really means so much to me. Evey single nice thing someone has to say brightnes my entire day. All the hilarious comments from my story give me something to laugh at. I appreciate every single one of you for the love. You are all amazing and I wish the best for you all, truly.

Now, if you would like to continue this story you should go check out the second book to the series on my profile!
Love you all❤

Beyond the limits (male NagaOC / fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now