chapter 23

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The pic at the top is Kai's hand comparison to y/n's. I also needed to practice hands so I did a little pen sketch with kai and your  hand's!

You had managed to get a decent amount of  sleep after the events of the other night. You woke up at the break of dawn, the sun just peeking over the horizon.

It didn't take you long to fully wake up. Your determination never faltered, it was even stronger now after what that Naga had told you.

Once you had put out the last of the coals of your fire, you made your way over to the pond again.

"Hey, you up?" You spoke to the water. You stared at it for a few moments until the Naga's head popped out of the water.

"There you are. I need to ask you something" you began. He swam a little closer to you as you talked.

"You seem to know a lot about whoever had Kai. I have not the slightly clue about them or their motives so I was hoping you could come a long with me and help?"

He came right up to the edge of the water and came close to you. "I am weak, I cannot help in battle, but I do know a bit about their facility. So I can assist in that matter" his voice was still monotone. His face was like a porcelain mask.

You smiled, grateful he agreed to help you. You stepped back from the edge of the water and looked up at the mountains. They were huge black figures surrounded by sunlight. It looked like a painting.

You shook your head, You couldn't admire the beauty right now, Kai depened on you. You took a deep breath in and exhaled.

"We don't have much time" the Naga next to you stated. He looked at you with a new determination in his eyes as Well.

You nodded and began on your mission to save Kai.
It was now the middle of the day and the sun was high. You could feel your skin  burning, but that was the least of your  worries.

Finding a stray tree to rest under,the both of you sat against the trunck of the tree. You glanced over at your companion, he seemed fine. The heat was surprisingly not a bother to him.

"So, while we are here we should come up with a name for you" you broke the silence.

He nodded and looked over at You. You looked at him and studied him. You had to think of a good name to suit him. You wanted a name with meaning so he felt important.

"What about,Ren?" You asked as you looked over at him with a small smile. His eyes lit up at the name.

"It means water lily in Japanese. I think water lilies are beautiful, like you. I also heard somewhere they symbolise peace. I want you to be at peace" you explained what his new name meant.

His eyes seemed to fill with joy." Thank you" he looked down with a small smile on his face.

"It's not a problem, Ren" you said smiling wide at him. You felt so happy seeing him feel important.

You got up and turned to Ren. "We should probably get going now. We don't have much time on our hands" you became a bit more serious now. Ren nodded in agreement.

The two of you once again made your way to the mountains in the distance.

As each hour pasted, the mountains gradually got closer and closer.

Soon, the sun was behind you and was setting. Your let's felt so sore, but you kept pushing on. There were scratches and cuts on your legs here and there from the think grass you were waking in. Your stomach also felt as though it was eating it's self.

Ren noticed this, and turned to you. "Do you need to rest?"he asked. His face was still quite cold.

You shook your head" no,I am fine. I need to do this for Kai" you were still so determined. You didn't want to lose Kai.

You then saw Ren slither closer to you. A bit confused you looked over to him. He then leaned down and placed one arms under your knees and the other around your  back. In one swift movement he pulled you off your feet and into his arms.

"We will travel more distance if I carry you" he said in his cold tone. His eyes met yours and then they drifted on to the road ahead.

"Also,rest. You need it" he said as he began to pick up speed. You looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you" you said as you held onto him tight and began to close your eyes. Eventually,you fell asleep in his arms due to exhaustion.

He gently looked down at you, his lips curling on it a small smile. He looked back up as his face darkened.

"I will save you brother"

Kai's P.O.V

"Move it!" A man's voice rang in my ears. I groaned awake. I was jolted awake by a electric shock running through my body. A painful scream left my lips as i was electrocuted.

"You bastereds...W-What do you-" i couldn't even finish my sentence when they rudely cut me off by shoving the electric prod back into my tail.

Scream after scream left my thraot as i was tortured again and again for not obeying  these human's rules. To think that these were the same kind as y/n. She was the kindest and sweetest person i had ever met, and these people were demons! They were evil!

Sorry for the short chapter! To make up for that, i decided to give you all a little sneak peek at what the chapters to come have to offer! I drew a scene that will soon appear in the story to give you  a glipse as to what will happen to Kai! Our poor baby!

A/NSorry for the short chapter! To make up for that, i decided to give you all a little sneak peek at what the chapters to come have to offer! I drew a scene that will soon appear in the story to give you  a glipse as to what will happen to Kai! O...

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