Chapter 27

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You fluttered your eyes open. You had a dreamless slumber. You squinted as light hit your tired eyes. You groaned as tilted your head to avoid the bright light stinging your eyes. Your eyelids still heavy from sleep, you went to sit up. As your eyes adjusted, you could see the light coming from cracks in the ceiling.

As your back left the ground beneath you, you began to bend your legs up towards your chest. Only to feel a sharp, dagger like pain in your left thigh. A scream almost left your throat as you tensed your entire body in an attempt to ease the pain.

You looked down at your thigh and saw a ripped up piece of clothing wrapped tightly around your thigh. You felt a nauseating feeling in your stomach when you saw the dried up puddles of blood around you.

You lifted your gaze when you heard someone sigh in front of you. Your eyes met the ocean blue eyes of Kai.

"Kai.." you said in disbelief. He smiled painfully at you as he lowered himself so that he was at your eye level. His eyes looked watery and glazed over. Like he had been crying.

"What's w-" You were cut off when he wrapped his arm around you tightly. Your head rested on his shoulder. You melted into his touch and let your arms fold around his waist. You were in pain, but you felt so much relief being able to hold him again.

You then noticed something strange. You ran your arm along Kai's right side of hid body. If felt like something was missing. You tilted your head over to look at what was wrong with him. Your eyes widened as you gasped.

"Where is your-" you were cut off again.

"It got cut off.." He said in a cold, monotone voice. the only emotion written on his face was shame. You looked at his right arm, which was now half gone. He had ripped pieces of fabric and cloth and wrapped them around the stub where his elbow once was.

Your eyes wanted to cry and you wanted to apologise, but only a quiet, pain-filled sigh came out of your mouth. Your shoulders dropped and your arms slid off of Kia's waist. Your head tilted towards the ground as it sunk in. Then it hit you.

"Ren!" you shot up. Distressed. You attempted to push yourself off of the ground where you had been lying for who knows how long. Your thigh ached and stung as you moved. Groans and moans escaped your lips as you tried to push past the pain.

Kai pushed you down with his hand. He gripped your shoulder firmly and looked you in the eyes. "You are not in good enough shape to move, y/n" He had a stern yet caring tone.

"I need to help him" You pushed against his hand, knowing full well you could never over power him. Your stubbornness seemed to annoy him. the corners of his mouth began to frown and his brows twitched slightly.

"Y/n. Listen-" You cut him off.

"NO! Ren is hurt! We need to-"

"REN IS DEAD!" Kai yelled at you. This silenced you. You looked up at Kai, your fight gone. Everything began to come back to you. You were shot, the Victor killed Ren. Kai went crazy. You fell unconscious.

A sad sigh left your lips as you trembled. everything had become too much for you to handle. You thought you had cried enough tears, but they began to pour out of your e/c eyes.

Kai sighed and pulled you into his chest. You couldn't hug him back. You had just shut down and all you could do was cry. You wailed in Kai's arms. you had been longing for him to comfort you. The joy of being in his arms was overshadowed by the pure sorrow and guilt that you felt. You couldn't believe that Ren had been killed. You began to tell your self it was your fault. You were the reason Ren was killed. But in truth, you couldn't have stopped it from happening. That thought hurt you the most.

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