chapter 24

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you awoke from your slumber in the arms of  Ren. As your eyes adjusted to being open, you saw that you were significantly closer to the mountain. Now it only looked to be a few kilometers away.

You looked up at Ren to see his face red and beaded with sweat. Had he not rested?

"Ren, you can put me down now. I am fine to walk" you suggested, but his grip on you only tightened.

"No, you need your energy to fight. I am not strong at all so i cannot aid you in battle. But, i will use whatever engery i have to get you to Kai" his voice was so sincere and kind, but also dertermined. A sigh left your lips as you smiled. He gave you so much hope that you would save Kai.

Now that you were closer to the mountain, you could see finer details of the facility. By looking at It now, you could see that the entire campus was lined with a huge barbed wire fence that was at least three meters high. that was going to be a struggle to get over. There were also towers that looked to be watch towers. They had huge lights connected to the top of the towers, but what confused you was that they were all smashed. Some of the lights even had vines entangled in them.

Now that you noticed the vines on the damaged lights, there were overgrown plants all over the facility. That could work as camouflage. there were also old run down vehicles sitting near one side of the fence. The place looks abandoned.

"Hey, Ren? Does this place look abandoned to you?" You asked The Naga who was carrying you. He paused on his spot and took a hard look at the facility. He nodded slowly and squinted his eyes in confusion.

He began his way to the mountain once again. He was a bit slower though this time. Maybe he was cautious? He had a look in his eyes that you couldn't quite read. It was almost as if his eyes were distant or he wasn't here at this point in time. Could he be remembering something?

You looked up at the facility and then back at Ren's scars. Your eyes then slowly widened in a realisation. Are these the same people who hurt Ren? What are they going to do with Kai. You shook away these thoughts. 'That's crazy... Kai wouldn't let them hurt him... He is strong...He can fight them, right?' you asked your self as a feeling of dread settled in the pit of your stomach.

You pushed these thought away and began hoping for the best. You knew that Kai wasn't going to let himself be killed, and neither were you.


You and Ren had finally made it to the mountain, it took you some time to climb up it too, but you were there. You looked through a huge fence. It was easily 5 meters tall and had barbed wire wrapped around it's top. There were small holes here and there in the fence, but none were big enough to crawl through. Ren had attempted to climb through once but cut himself.

You looked over to your left to see Ren still trying to get through the hole. His upper half had deep cuts from the wire. You freaked out and ran over to him, gripping his shoulder and pulling him away from the fence. He looked at you in a confused way, until he saw the concern painted on your face.

"Sorry... It's just we need to get in" He said, his voice slightly quieter than usual. You guessed it was so he wouldn't altert anyone if there was someone inside.

You sighed, you couldn't get angry at him. He had the best intentions. You gave him a soft smile.

"I am sure there is a better way to get in then using this hole" you said as you glanced at the hole in the fence. There was smal drops of blood on the wire here and there from Ren. It made you wince.

"Can we try and go under?" You asked Ren. He faced you nodded.

"I will try. I dont know if the fence has been made so that it is under the ground as well, but we can try" Ren then crouched down and began to dig. He was surprisingly really good at it. In no time he had dug a hole big enough for the both of you to crawl under.

"I guess the fence is just above ground then" you said as you army crawled under the fence and into the facility's perimeter. Ren followed cloesly after.

You were now in. You coud save Kai. A smile spread across your face knowing the lengths you went to get here. But your smile faded as you remeber your job isn't done. You still need to get Kai and bring him to safetey.

"There is a door there, y/n. Let's check it out" Ren said as he pointed in the direction he saw the door. Your eyes followed his arm to find a big metal slding door that was bashed  and beaten. There were plants growing in it's everything.

You made your way there making sure to make minimal noise just in case there were people in there.

You and Ren both had to use little force to open the door, to your suprise. You took it as an advantage on your side, but didn't think of why it was so eay to move.

Now you were in and the building was completely different outside than inside. It looked like a super high-tech facility the government uses in all those sci-fi movies. This made your stomach churn. Why was it so advanced?

You slowly creeped your way around the many halls, following weird symbols and arrows as you went.

Eventually, the two of you made your way down a hall that was rather dark. You struggled to see a few meters in front of you and before you knew it, your foot got caught on something. You then slipped and lost your balance, falling to the ground.

You broke the scilence when you body hit the ground with a loud, hard thump. The thump echoed through the hall three times as loud as you had originally fallen.

You lifted your now sore face up when you heard distant voices. You couldn't make out what they were saying, but you knew that you had just alerted the entire building.

You gulped and looked at Ren, who slowly looked down at you on the ground. Your  expression slowly morphed in one of fear and guilt.


Beyond the limits (male NagaOC / fem reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant