Chapter 8

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You woke up to a familiar scent. 

Your eyes cracked open to a dim light. You sat up and looked at your surroundings. It was where Kai lived. His home.

You pushed the animal furs off your body and sprung out of the bed. You looked down to see your shoes still on. Grateful, You walked to the kitchen and searched for your snake companion, but he wasmt there. 

You looked all through the cave, but he wasn't anywhere. 

"Where is he?" You muttered to yourself as you stood in the middle of the eterace to the cave. Tapping your foot in slight annoyace and worry. 

You looked out the enterance of the cave. You slowly stepped out of the safety of the cave into the vast jungle. 

Your ears were greeted with many chirps amd sqwaks from the bird life around you. Your nose tingled from all he scenst meeting your nose. You then slowly began to walk and look for your friend. 

While you were walking, you came across a track that was recently made. The plants were freshly bent over and some were broken. 

You decided to walk down it, not think anything of it. 

Once you came to the end, there was an opening to a lake. You looked over the sight. The water was crystal clear with plants on the surface here and there. The bank was lined with flowers and plants you had never seen before. Your gaze landed o the lake again, the water was so still it looked like glass. You then noticed a reflection in the water a bit further up from where you were. You looked up the bank and saw Kai playing with some of the exotic flowers from the bank. One half of him was in the water, and the other half was laying on the bank. 

You went to take a step closer to him, but before you could even put your foot on the soil underneath you, Kai's gaze fell on you, almost as if he knew you were there the whole time. 

You stood there for a moment before smiling and waving to him. He smiled back and gestured for you to come closer.You walked over to him and crouched next to him.

"Hello, did you sleep well?"he asked you in a calming tone. In respone, you nodded.

"Actually, i dont even remember falling asleep" You said to him and his smile grew juts a  bit bigger.

"You see, when we were up in the tree, i kissed your head for a reason. You seemed exhausted. Since my lips made contact with your skin, my saliva did as well. My saliva is coated with venom that puts my prey to sleep, but in this case you. "

You looked at him slightly scared" venom?" 

"Yes, dont worry, its not harmful if I don't intend to use it in a harmful way" he assured you as  he placed the flowers that were in his hands down. 

Kai looked at you and a slight smirk tuggd at the corner of his lips. "Hey, wanna go for a swim?" He asked.

For a second, you didn't understand, but once two strong arms wrapped around your waste you knew exactly what he ment. As you were slowly pulled inot the water, you tried to get out of his grip.

"Relax, its nice. Pluse, you stink" he chuckeled as your  shoes began to get soaked. You then realised its been a few day since you had a shower or bathed. 

"I guess i do need a wash" you said as you relaxed a bit.

Kai smiled and then pulled you in the water. He duncked you down for a few moments, then pulled you back up to the surface. 

"See, its not that bad" he chuckeled as he brushed a few stray strands of H/C hair off of your face that had stuck due to the water. 

"You're right, its actually really nice" you smiles up at him. Your E/C eyes sparkled up at him. You felt quite happy around him, you didnt fully understand why, but tou did. Maybe it was his positive personality? Or his welcoming smile. 

"Shall we go for a swim?" He asked as you felt his snake tail gently sweep against your legs. This sent pleasurable shivers down your spine that lightly tickled. It made you gigle. This caused a chain reaction as he bagn to chuckle. 

You the felt his arms unwrap around you as you floated in the water on your own. You dove under the water to see what was underneath, to your surprise it was crystal clear. You saw a few small, brightly coloured fish here and there. You also saw plants under the water that looked stunning. you saw the stems and stalks of the water Lily's and small frogs swimming around them. It was a nice pleasant sight, but the demand for air forced you to go back to the surface. 

"See anything interesting?" you heard Kai question.

"I saw plants and fish. They were both quite nice to look at" you said as a smile spread across your face. You both giggled together before you went under the water again, this time Kai joining you. 

You noticed that he was quite a good swimmer. It fascinated you how a creature such as himself could even exist. He was a freak of nature, to you at least, but you didn't see him as a 'freak' so much ,but more of a miracle.

 you snapped out of your thoughts when you realised that Kai was calling you form afar. 

"Y/N! Hey, you okay? You just stopped" he shouted out to you as you swam towards him. You nodded in response as you sat in some shallow water with him. 

You watched him begin to wash out his hair with a mixture of flowers and plants he had gather while the two of you were swimming. You felt awkward just sitting and watching him, so you decided to help him. 

"Hey, Kai, need any help?" you asked, standing up out of the water to sit next to him. He looked towards you and shook his head, a soft smile present on his face.

"No thank you, I am fine, but, may I wash and comb your hair?" he asked as he looked at your hair. You weren't expecting him to ask, but you nodded in agreement. 

Kai slithered behind you and weaved his arms around your waist. You gasped slightly when he lifted you up and wrapped his tail loosely around you. A genuine smile planted on his face.

"Wow, your hair is beautiful" he said as he ran his fingers through your h/l h/c hair. You felt his claws lightly brush your scalp, relaxing your muscles and getting rid of any tension you had. You then felt him brush away any knots in your hair with his claws, doing so without hurting you at all. 

You hummed in satisfaction as you leaned into his touch.  You felt him press your back against his chest, warmth rom his body engulfed you. You smiled at how warm his body was. You heard a chuckle erupt from his chest as he played with your hair. Nothing could ruin this moment.


You heard a click and then a flash, assuming a camera. Both yours and Kai's head turned in the direction of the sound. you felt Kai's muscles tense beneath you. 

When you finally saw what it was, your body froze. Shock and slight fear caused you to freeze up. Your eyes widened and your lips parted as a small gasp left your lips. You felt Kai's heart hammering in his chest. 

Your heart stopped though, when you heard a voice.


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