Chapter 10

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Y/N p.o.v

You walked out into another room, trying to figure out how you could get some new clothes. You looked down at your wet body, huffing in annoyance.

"I could hang them out to dry, but.." you blushed slightly. It was the only way you would get your clothes to dry quicker. You also didn't want to risk getting sick.

You decided that you would take your clothes off, leaving your underwear on of course, and let the wet clothes dry.

It would be embarrassing,yes, but it would beat getting sick.

You walked over to a rack that was in the room. You thought it would be fine to use to hang your wet clothes. You proceeded to strip. The  you hung your clothing on the rack.

You looked down at yourself and sighed. you were still wet and slight dripping. A small gust of wind flew by you, casing your body to shake and you to yelp slightly.

"Are you o-" you heard Kai's voice from behind you. You froze. He froze to.

His eyes widened as he looked at your unclothed figure.

Your cheeks flashed a bright red as you tried to cover your body from him.

"Oh my!I am so sorry!" He spoke as he noticed how uncomfortable you were. He span around and covered his eyes. 

"I-its okay.." you stuttered out.

"I actually did this s-so I wouldn't get sick"

" I am guessing you need to wait for your clothing to dry?" Kai asked as you noticed he pulled his hands way from his face. He was still turned around though.  his body was visibly tense. 

"Yeah..." you replied.

Kai slowly turned around and faced you again,his pupils growning larger as he gazed at you.

He shook his head and slithered towards you. He placed a hand on your bare shoulder.

"Maybe you should go under the furs of my bed? They will keep you warm" he smiled down at you as he gently pushed you towards the entrernace of the house.

The blush from your cheeks had settled slightly,but was still visible.

You walked in through the entrance of your snake friend's  house. Him following close behind. You felt strange being with him almost butt naked.

A small blush tinted your cheeks as you made your way into his bed room and into his bed. It was warm and cozy,just what you needed.

"Please stay here until I come back with a hot drink for you. I don't want you getting sick now" Kai smiled as he pulled an extra fur quilt out from under his bed. it was a large white fur that looked soft a silky. 

He gently layed it over the furs covering you. His hands lightly brushed out all the wrinkles in it before he left. As you watched him do so,you could see an uneasiness in his eyes as his brows were slight frowned.

You snuggled your face up to the soft fur, not taking much notice of this.  You inhaled. Your senses being met with the soft scent of lavender and rose. As you breathed out you closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth from the fur quilts.  

after a few moments you open your eyes again. half lidded, you looked at the furs covering you. ' I will have leave soon' you thought to yourself as reality struck you. 'has it really been a week?' you thought again, this time slightly frowning your brows. 

you didn't want to leave Kai. you had really grown to like him. he was a great friend. it still fascinated you how he even exists in the first place. he was such a beautiful creature. The way his golden locks flowed so elegantly. His pale completion suited him so well.  

A slight warmth grew in your cheeks as you thought about him. You shook your head trying to get rid of the heat in your cheeks.

You sighed, looking towards the Naga slithering closer to you. He handed you a clay mug. It looked it be hand made.

You slightly sat up, clutching the mug. You looked down at the pinkish liquid in the mug. Your senses were met with a soft rose smell. It was sweet.

"Thank you" you said as you took a small sip of the warm drink. Your taste buds met with a sweet and warm taste. It tastes like sweets and fruits.

"I hope you like it" Kai said as he gently sat beside you on the other side of the bed, his back towards you. You noticed his back was very tense.

You placed your drink down beside the bed and looked over to Kai concerned.

"Kai, why are you so tense?" You asked as you slowly made your way next to him.

He didn't look at you,his eyes were fixated on the floor. They looked sad...or scared?

"Don't worry about me"he said as he smiled down at the ground. It was fake though.

"You can tell me anything you know?" You said as you lifted your hand toward his back. You softly placed it on his back,  making him jump and look toward you.

Your e/c eyes widened as you saw his pupils were little slits. His breathing had picked up and he was even more tense then before.

Then,out of nowhere,he lunged at you. Grabbing your arms in a tight grip.

He slammed your body hard on the bed below you,a yelp escaping your lips.
This wasn't Kai.

He bared his fangs at you as his eyes glared at you in a hungry way.

"K-Kai! Please stop!" You spoke loudly to him. He snarled in response and tightened his grip on your wrists.

It was getting to the point where it hurt a lot. You tried to kick your legs to free yourself up a bit,bit he was too strong.

A small tear ran down your cheeks as you became terrified of the Naga on top of you.

You closed your eyes toght, waiting for some  pain or impact. Your body was shaking and trembling.

You then felt the grip on your wrists loosen and you opened your eyes again.

Kai looked shocked and scared. He also looked guilty. His pupils slowly got bigger as you looked at him.

No words came out of his mouth as he looked down at you. He didn't move either.

"Kai..?" You whispered out.

"I am so sorry.." was all he said as he lowered his head in shame. He let go of you and placed his hands either side of your form.

You reached up and touched his golden hair with your fingers. This sent a shiver down his spine.

He lowered himself as you took his head into your hands and gently caressed his head.

He layed himself on top of you and slowly began to calm.

"What happened?" You asked as you looked down at him,worried about him.

He sighed, his voice shaking as he did.  He then gulped and responded.

"I don't know..."

Beyond the limits (male NagaOC / fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now