chapter 11

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You clutched your hand on Kai's head lightly. Concern filled your eyes as you looked down at his golden hair.

"Are you okay..?" You softly asked. Concerned for him and what's going on in his head.

He pushed himself up with his arms  and held himself up so he was hovering above you. His eyes avoiced yours as he began to speak.

"No...I am not. But,I can't tell you what's going on. I might scare you..." he admitted to you. Your curiosity spiked, you wanted to know.

"Come on,you won't scare me" you said with a reassuring smile, hoping it would convince him to tell.

To your disappointment,he shook his head as his eyes finally met yours. His golden orbs looked sad.

"Did I scare you before?" He asked.

You gulped,knowing that he knew the answer. You felt guilt in the pit of your stomach.

"Well-" you were cut off by Kai interrupting you.

" You will get terrified if you knew what was going on in my head" his voice was raised slightly. He sounded angry. Angry at himself.

You began to worry.

You placed your hand gently on his cheek as you sat up. You looked at him with a sad yet serious expression.

"If I was really terrified of you...then I wouldn't be here" you said as you placed your other hand on his cheek. You brang his head closer to you, yanking it slightly.

His eyes widened slightly when you placed your forehead on his.

"Please tell me..." you whispered to him.

He sighed as groaned slightly. With out warming he slid one of his clawed hands around your bare waste. He pulled you close to his form.


"Shh..." he shushed you. His head layed on your bare collar bone. You felt his hot breath on your skin,causing you to shiver slightly.

He then began to draw invisible circles on your waste with his claws.

"Do you like this?" He asked. His head tilting so he could look at you.

You gulped,not knowing where this was going. You slowly nodded in response. A small blush creeping onto your cheeks.

"What if I-" he said as he moved face closer to your neck.

"Did this?" He said as he gently licked your neck.

You jumped at the sensation. You were confused and slightly embarrassed.

"Right now,I could be planning on eating you. Yet, you would never know" he spoke as his grip on your waste grew tighter.

Your eyes widened. 
'Has been planning on eating me this whole time?' You thought as fear struck you. Your breathing picked up as you watched him carefully.

"I see" he spoke as he pulled himself away from you. A sad gleam in his eyes as he looked down at his hands.

"You don't trust thought I would actually eat you.." he spoke as his voice cracked slightly.

"No,no,no!I's was just instinct..."you said,trying not admit that you were scared.

"Don't lie..."he said softly yet sadly.

"Anyway...what's really been on my mind is...well...what you just saw.." he spoke out,trying to find the right words.

He then began to fiddle with the furs of his bed. 'Was he sacred?or nervous?'

"What do you mean..?" Your e/c orbs eyed him.

He gulped as time seemed to freeze around the two of you. Butterflies in your stomach as he parted his lips to speak.

"Well...I don't know if the reason I keep you around is because...I love you're my prey" he finally confessed.

Your breath got caught in your throat as you sat there,stunned yet so very confused.

"I don't mind if you leave me now...I won't stop you" he hung his head as his shoulders dropped and his arms dangled. Like he accepted defeat.

"No..what If it's.. " you forced out as you reached your hand to touch his golden hair.

"What do love me..?" You tired to lighten his mood.

He lifted his head slightly to greet your waiting hand. He leaned his head on your hand,his expression sad and his eyes half lidded. 

"What if it's not?" He bluntly responded.

"What if you end up like those guys...dead...and mangled...because of  me?" He spoke.

You didn't respond. You pulled his head closer to you and hugged him. Comforting him.

He didn't reject the hug,but embraced it. He tightly wrapped his arms around you as his head rested on your shoulder.

"Its okay"you gently spoke out as you placed your hand in his hair and gently ran your fingers through his golden locks.

"Thank you" he spoke out as he pulled away from the hug,a small smile on his face. His eyes looked happier now.

He looked up at you and smiled even more. The two of you sat there for a few seconds before he shifted in his spot. He the  lifted himself off of you and sat in front of your form.

"I will go see if your clothes are dry" he said as he got up and slithered away out of the room.

A small blush formed on your cheeks as you realised you only had your underwear on.

You sighed and shook it off. You looked over to the exit of the room. Your thoughts taking over reality.

'I still need to find my way back to the others before they leave without me' you thought to yourself.

'I don't want to leave...but...I have to'

You looked up slightly as a small plan formed in your head. Yes,it saddened you,but it had to be done.

'Tonight,I will leave. He won't notice because i will be gone, back on the plane by then. Sorry,Kai...but I have to go...'

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