chapter 22

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Your head was pounding. The sound of birds chirping ringing in yours ears in a painful song.

You lifted yourself up with a groan. Your eyes fell on the ground beneath you. A small pool of dried blood sat where your head was.

You looked around, your head still spinning. The events from before you had fell unconscious replayed in your head.

"Kai!" You jumped in realisation. He was no where to be seen. You fumbled to your feet and almost fell in the process.

"K-Kai?" You called out, but got no reply. The only noise heard was birds and the light sway of plants in the wind.

Your vision became blurry with tears as you felt your heart break in two. "KAI!" You screamed, vocals breaking.

You turned in every direction in hopes he would be standing There, but you were surrounded by vegetation.

It was like your world was shattering in front of you. Your heart was pounding,head spinning and your legs were violently trembling.

You fell to your knees and began to sob. You brang your hand to your chest and clenched the fabric of your shirt.

"NOOOOOOO!" You let out a shreek. Birds fleeing out of the trees around you and small creatures fled from the sudden noise. Tears streamed down your cheeks. You clenched your eyes shut and scrunched up your nose.

You slammed your fist on the ground beneath you. Through clenched teeth, you let out a painful sob as you began to punch at the ground again and again.

You only stopped when you saw you had grazed your skin. You brang your hand up to your face and let out an uneasy breath.

"I will find you!" You said as you looked up, eyes filled with tears and a burning determination.

You slowly began to stand as a new fire filled your form. "I will find whoever did this. I will get you back!" You spoke.

A new confidence that you had never felt filled you. You felt as though anything was possible.

You looked around where you were to see if you could see any clues as to where Kai might have gone.

After a few minutes if searching, you found a part in some grass where it had been flattened. You followed the trail of grass that lead deeper into the jungle. There was also drops of blood here and there in the grass.

While following the grass trail, you noticed the more you went on, the less dense the vegetation got.

An hour in to your search, you were in what looked like the edge of the jungle. You were met with tall grass and sparse trees.

In the distance, there was a Mountain range with a building at the top. You looked down at the trail where the grass was flat and back up to the mountain. The trail lead in that direction.

Your determination never stopped burning, but there was a bit of anxiety in the pit of your stomach seeing how far away the mountain was from you. It look to be at kilometers away in the distance. 

Your sighed  and decided you would  rest the night where you were. You began to gather up some sticks to create a fire before the sun set.

As you picked up a few stray sticks and twigs, you noticed  a small body of water in the corner of your vision.

"That would be a good spot" you said to yourself. You took your bundle of sticks and twigs as you walked over near the water. You dropped your wood on the ground and made your way to the waters edge.

Beyond the limits (male NagaOC / fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now