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I call Jade when I reach home. She answers on the second ring.

"Liz," she exclaims, "It's been so long." I can't remember the last time I heard Jade. Between the, A&F and her classes, we never seem to meet much anymore.

"I know." I missed her.

"I heard from Asher about the fight with Glen. Are you okay?" I didn't want her to worry so I kind of didn't tell her before. Maybe I did it on purpose.

I tell her the whole story about that day, "I have some ugly bruises but I am fine."

"I hate that guy. What is wrong with him?" She says with rage.

"I also don't know." I am more resigned than angry. "He just can't let go when he is the one who cheated and got another woman pregnant." I say.

I hear her gasp. "He did what?"

"I didn't tell you that?" I am confused.

"Well, it's not like you are the most revealing person out there." She says dismissively but I can tell a hint of accusation. She changes the subject, "How long had they been together?"

I proceed to answer her but the fact that she didn't know much about the divorce keeps bugging me. I realize that Kystan also doesn't know.

After work the next day, I take a detour for Kystan's house. Hopefully he won't be there. I don't want to explain why I left my panties in his bathroom. Stupid me.

A knock at the door produces no response. I knock again and still nothing. Good. I pick a spare key from a small gap in the front brick surrounding the entrance. I slide it into the keyhole and it opens with a resounding click. I walk in unruffled. No sound comes from any room I pass by. As I climb the stairs, I keep justifying to myself how this is not breaking and entering. If anyone asks, I have a good reason for being here.

I wait at Kystan's door for a moment to hear if he is not inside after all. I hear nothing. Even better. I lurch onto the handle and open slowly.

I tiptoe into the room unaware of anything else except the bathroom door towards which I am heading. The sound of a shower turning on startles me. I finally start to register where I am. Caught red handed, I look around with shifty eyes. My eyes meet perfectly mascara-d hazel eyes, with a disapproving and loathsome gaze. Mine widen.

Lying calmly on Kystan's bed, Belle looks me up and down as I go from shock to understanding. Her skimpy summer dress, reaching very little below her butt and flowing auburn hair splayed all across Kystan's pillow finally drives the point home. It hurts when I finally grasp what is going on. The shower water turns off. I want to turn and run but I can't seem to command my legs. Kystan will be here any second, and I'd rather pretend this never happened than have to confront him. Than acknowledge that I was right all along.

The door opens and Kystan walks out, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I watch as his gaze finds Belle and he doesn't even flinch at seeing her sprawled casually on his bed. Like it's not the first time. I swallow the tears I feel building in my eyes. I take a step in the opposite direction.

"Liza." Kystan's voice carries as much shock as guilt. I want to look behind and see his expression but that would only reveal how much I hate him for this. I continue walking. I hear him ask Belle something before she answers in a triumphant tone. She must have been waiting for this moment all along. Bravo, she has succeeded.

"Liza. This isn't-" I don't stop to let him talk. He comes up to me while still putting on a t-shirt. Water from his wet hair drips onto the t-shirt drenching it too. "I didn't know you were here." He tries to make small talk, but his voice is panicked and I am more than pissed.

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