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"Did they do it?" I hear someone near my head. I tell myself it is all in my head until I hear someone else answer.

This other person is a woman, "I think so." She says with excitement. I hear them high five. "Naughty, naughty kids!"

I open my eyes to see who these people are. I come face to face with Luca and Cynthia's faces which are too close for comfort. I yell in shock.

I try to get up but Kystan's arm holds me down. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"We came to check up on you." Cynthia answers. Luca nods in affirmation. "Hi Kystan."

I look behind me and notice Kystan looking around with confusion, that makes two of us. All this ruckus woke him up.

"What's going on here?" He asks as he rubs his eyes. Talk about being adorable. I find myself smiling at how boyishly cute he looks when he wakes up.

I see the other two occupants of the room nudge each other with smiles.

"As she was saying, we came to check up on you two." Luca says and looks sideways at Cynthia, "but it seems there wasn't any need since you two obviously had an amazing night." He draws out the word 'amazing'.

I blush at the memory of last night. Cynthia catches me at it. "Ohhh, I knew it." She says, gets up and starts jumping around.

As if it isn't embarrassing enough, the two of them start making kissing sounds. Out of sheer mortification, I get up and push them both out the door. I turn around with a nervous smile on my face. They just had to spoil our morning.

Not ready to be gotten rid of so fast, one of them speaks through the door, "Hurry up, lovebirds, we are leaving in an hour." Luca says.

Kystan is the one who answers, "Yeah, sure. Now go away." I hear them laugh as they walk away from our door.

I finally walk away from the door, Kystan also gets out of bed. My eyes involuntarily travel down to his bare chest. I smile when I remember how I was groping his toned muscles last night. He walks over to me and gives me a brief peck on the lips.

"That's what we get for having crazy friends." He says as he looks through his bag. "We should have locked the door."

I playfully answer, "Hmm, what were you planning to do behind locked doors?"

He pauses briefly from his activity, he looks at me with a mischievous smile and a raised eyebrow. "Want me to show you?"

I realize too late that my remark easily backfired, I scurry from where I am standing and make a beeline for the bathroom. He stops me before I can reach the door though, "Try me." He taunts and bites his lip seductively.

I slip my hand out of his grasp, run to the bathroom and lock the door. I face the door and shout, "My bad. Forget whatever I said, we should just prepare, okay?"

After a few minutes of trying to regain my composure, I strip and start showering.

When I get out, Kystan is not in the room. I am worried for a moment, but then I dismiss it saying he went to see his friends.

When I am almost done with my makeup, he walks through the door, fully dressed and freshly bathed.

"You're finally done!" He says with surprise.

"Yeah." I answer with confusion. Surely, it didn't take too long.

"You were in so long, I decided to horde Asher's shower." He says nonchalantly.

"Sorry." I say apologetically.

"Nah, it's not a big deal. Are you done?" He asks.

"Almost." I swiftly dub on the last layer of eyeliner and I am done. We will be outdoors a lot today, doing a lot of outdoorsy stuff so I had to apply lighter makeup. I grab a backpack I prepared for us and join him.

That Abercrombie ModelWhere stories live. Discover now