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Kystan's POV

I ring the doorbell and hear the sound resonate inside the apartment. I made an extra effort today, I am wearing a white dress shirt tucked into grey dress pants French style, and white sneakers. On my way to Liza's place, I passed by a beautiful flower shop and got her a pink rose.

I hear movement inside and a few seconds later, the door opens. Liza looks completely stunning, I am transfixed looking at her in that fitting and beautiful dress she has on.

Instead of letting me in, she closes the door behind her. I notice her hurried expression which baffles me.

"I have to warn you." She says but I linger on the way she says my name, it sounds more alluring when it comes from her lips. Which by the way look so plump and inviting- I snap out of my thoughts, "My parents came out of nowhere and they are inside the house right now." She says and looks at me apologetically.

"It's alright. I can bear it. Besides, parents love me." I add, as a way to increase her confidence in my abilities. Her attention diverts to something in my hands; I remember the rose I am holding, "This is for you." I say bestowing it on her.

She smiles and smells it., "Thank you."

The door opens that instant. The person on the other side cuts short what they had been saying upon seeing us there. I look at Liza but she looks back with dread in her eyes.

Liza's parents stand before us, her mom having a mysterious smile and her dad giving me a fatherly glare, the scary one.

"Oh, hi." Her mom says. "I am Dina, Liza's mom. Nice to meet you." She says and extends her hand.

I shake her hand, "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Murray. I am Kystan."

"And my husband, Isaac." She continues. He clutches my hand in a really tight grip, with the glare still on his face.

"Nice to meet you, sir." I say while trying as much as I can not to wince.

Liza slaps his bicep and he let's go of my hand, "Dad." She says with annoyance. Maybe this is something he does a lot.

Mrs. Murray is busy wiggling her eyebrows at her daughter and motioning to the flower and me suggestively.

Liza takes my hand and leads me inside. We reach the kitchen and she turns to look at me, I see the desperation in her eyes and I try to comfort her, "I don't mind your parents being here, stop being so distressed." I say with my hands on her upper arms.

"But I mind you standing that close to my daughter." Mr. Murray says as he enters the room heading to the direction of the fridge. I remove my hands from her and take a step back.

"Don't mind him, he is just teasing you." Mrs. Murray says as she enters behind him. "Is it working though?" She asks with amusement.

"Sort of." I reply honestly.

She pulls a stool from underneath the breakfast bar and sits on it. "So Kystan, what a unique name?" Mrs. Murray muses. "What does it mean?"

"Nothing that I know of. My parents might have thought, 'why not give him a name he won't be able to explain?' and so it became." I say with amusement.

Mrs. Murray burst into gales of laughter. When she recovers, she continues her interrogation, "So what is your occupation?"

"I am a student, but I also model for Abercrombie and Fitch in my spare time." I say and she nods in approval. I think I am making progress already..

"What courses do you take?" She asks.

"Finance and Investment." I answer. "Enough about me. What do you do Mrs. Murray?" I know, not the right conversation topic, but she asked me what I do so why not return the favor?

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