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Yesterday, I was feeling immensely lonely. I hadn't talked to Kystan in ages. I couldn't even call him, because I knew he was busy. When he finally called me, my dad had to budge in. Today, I might go visit Jade.

I only get up to brush my teeth and bathe and then I go back to bed.

I hear a knock at the door. I grudgingly get out of bed. What does this person want this early in the morning? It's Sunday for crying out loud.

The first thing I see upon opening, is a huge pillow. Then a bag with treats a little lower.

"Surprise." He says. I launch myself on Kystan and hug him. I've missed him so much.

He wobbles but recovers soon enough to stop us from falling.

I usher him in and take the load from him. He is wearing pajama pants and a star wars t-shirt too. The light in his eyes as he grins, makes my heart tingle.

I wrap my arms around him again. "A week is so long." He says and sighs.

"Too long." I let go and start rummaging through the bag. I see a lot of chocolate, candy, chips, all the treats that can give you a sugar stroke, which I love. I am impressed by his thoughtfulness. He smiles at me, making my heart melt a little more.

He holds my arm and leads me to the sofa and lets me curl up on his lap as he scrolls through Netflix.

"How long do we have?" I ask, wishing he would say forever but he has to be ready tomorrow.

"All day." He says. That's good too. I burrow further into his chest, inhaling his scent. He wraps his arms around me. "What do you want us to do today?" He asks.

"Absolutely nothing." I am particularly lazy today and I want him to be lazy with me.

"Sounds good to me." He says and lifts his legs onto the coffee table getting as comfortable as he can.

After getting through a whole session of shouting at the characters in 47 Meters Down: Uncaged whenever they do something stupid, like get in the water in the first place, and eating two bags of chips, we go to my room.

"Let's take a test." I propose.

He looks confused, "A test?"

"Yeah, a spirit animal test." I say.

"What's a spirit animal? Is it like some dead animal or something?"

"Gosh, you're clueless." I say with awe. "A spirit animal is like an animal which shares some characteristics and behaviors as you." He still doesn't seem to get it. "Okay let's just do the test, you'll get it later."

I get my phone off the nightstand and look for a website to do the test from. I end up on After setting everything up, I notice that he isn't getting his phone out too. "Where is your phone?"

"I left it at home." He says sheepishly. I love that he wanted to spend time with me without the distraction of a phone.

"We will use mine then." I say. "I'll start with you." I shift so that he can see the screen too, "First question, when someone is being overly dramatic about a situation, you; one, tend to stay out of it, two, get angry and annoyed, three, try to figure out the meaning behind it and four, give advice and hopefully lead them to a better path of understanding."

He ponders the question for a while, "I think I give advice."

"Okay, next question." When I see it, I am not sure even if I need to hear the answer to the question. I proceed with uncertainty, "The person you love reveals they have cheated on you. They apologize and promise not to do it again. You; one, take a break from the relationship to think. Two, follow your gut. Three, end the relationship or four, remain calm and work through it."

That Abercrombie ModelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant