Chapter 21

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"Reports." He asked stretching his hand forward for files.

Hesitantly, I gave. He didn't mention my late arrival. That was so unlike of him. If there was any other employee at my place he must have shown him his place by now.

I would have mulled over the thought of being spared for a single mistake but I couldn't even fantasize that thought when matters came linking to him.

He was engrossed in checking out the reports I had prepared but I knew better that he was planning to rub it in my face not before having his way with me.

Wondering why so special treatment to me?

Because there was a strong feeling of disliking he felt for me from day one, god knows why, due to which he won't let go any chance off his hand to degrade or mortify me.

Somehow, I knew how would he do that today given the fact finance reports were on his desk in front of him under his scrutiny.

"Reports aren't complete." He stated in a coldly calm voice while tossing files over the desk carelessly in a nonchalant way. Then leaning back in his swiveling chair he interlinked his fingers while pinning his hard gaze upon me.

It was a silent demand for an explanation, which he knew I didn't have. Atleast there was some mutual understanding between us by now.

"Reports aren't complete, Yet." I said thinking of a way out of it.

He raised his eyebrow.

"They have to be submitted by today and I still have half of the day to complete them, sir." I explained further emphasizing on the words.

A slightest bit of taunting smile, more like a smirk appeared on his face hearing my words.

"You had." He mimicked by emphasizing on the word.

His face became impassive again but his gaze remained hard upon me. As usual. I was puzzled not knowing what he said supposed to mean. I remembered him very well telling me, no ordering me, that I had to prepare finance reports by today as they would be required in the meeting with bank executives for consultation of project the next day.

"Well, Miss Ahana, if you by any chance look in that shit piece you call your phone, you will know what did I mean." He explained further or more likely suggested in a very harsh tone.

He was controlling himself. From snapping. His face showed it. His interlinked hands clenching upon each other showed it.

What had I done?

I looked for my phone in my white pant plazo pocket but it wasn't there. It might have left there in my cubicle.

"I'll just go and get my phone in my cubicle." I told him and was going out but he stopped me.

Then dialling on the intercom he asked Shree to bring my phone in.

"Bring Miss Ahana's phone here, now." He ordered her in his usual boss tone.

"Su- "

She didn't get to complete her sentence as line went dead.

How rude.

After a minute, door of the cabin opened to reveal Shree with my phone in her hands which was vibrating again. I could see the name flashing on the screen from distance.


Oh god!
I groaned mentally.

Why couldn't this girl stop calling right away?

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