Chapter 8

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I was in my bedroom, thanks to dad, he made an excuse of freshen up. I took a quick warm shower to calm my nerves. My mind was messed up with everything going around me. The old photo frames hanging on the walls reminded me of the old days, the days when I was living in contentment and peace. Now my soul was yearning for them. I had been trying to do everything which might make me feel satisfied and would led me to a peaceful and happy life, but no, it was like we were same magnetic poles of a magnet which repel each other when they are bought together. If dad hadn't forced me in past to go to States, today we would have been living like a normal happy family that mom had always dreamt of. Dad had promised me that he would call me back after one year but that one year never came until everything happened. Ahana, she was my close friend. She had also promised me that she would call me regularly but she broke her promise too. She didn't even answered my calls, replied to texts and letters. Yes! I had even wrote her letters when I got to know she went to London after that incident. The fact no one understood was that I felt alone there. I needed someone around me, close to me, to comfort me. My best friend Nikhil, in start he called me daily but gradually with time his calls also decreased and I lost my only left friend. The friends I made in US were only with me for my money and their liking for my standard of living. I needed a true friend whether it was my mother or my father or sister or any another relation with whom I could share myself completely. My search came to a halt when I found her. Aaisha. She was the ex of one of my friends in US. She was the one who befriended me. I assumed her to be same as other slutty girls in the college but I was wrong. Like every other relation ours also started with friendship. We both started spending time together, got to know each other, started caring for each other and was affectionate towards each other. Whenever she was around me I felt live. The loneliness that had surrounded me for a longer time was nowhere to be seen. More and more time we spent together, more I got attracted to her. My attraction became my liking and I knew that the feeling was mutual. We dated each other for nearly three years but never in those years we crossed our limits neither I forced myself on her nor I wanted to. She promised me that she would never leave me alone. She would always be there for me. My mind denied to believe her but my heart won the battle. The concern, sincerity and affection in her eyes made my heart believe her. When my liking changed into love for her, I didn't even realize myself until she went on a two week vacation with her family. I was not sure about her feelings for me but I felt courageous because of her words, her promise. She would never leave me but after vacation something changed between us. She started maintaining distance from me. She rarely met me and when ever we met she remained quiet for most of the time. I still remembered her words from our last meeting, the words which shook me completely from inside.

'Rheyan , I am sorry but I have to do this. Everything between us was fake and planned. In past three years every single moment we spent together was fake, our relation, my words, my actions, my promises everything. I never felt anything for you, Never. But I want to say that you are the true and real person I had ever met in my life and now I feel guilty for doing all this and the things I am going to do. I know you must be hating me with every single word leaving my mouth. This is last time we are seeing each other. After today you will never be able to see me. Goodbye.'

Her words were the pointed arrows piercing straight into my heart. I was frozen at my place. My mind was not able to understand why did she do it to me. Her words were repeating continuously like a broken record. Why was she telling me now? And most importantly what was she going to. I was trying to fathom her words but that was not enough for her. Next day a news spread everywhere which broke me into pieces. She suicided. She took her life. Police found a suicide note left by her in which she had mentioned that someone tried to rape her, so she was suiciding. Worse part was that she had accused me for molestation and the reason for her suicide which was a transparent lie. I had never laid my hands on her.

A Promise : To You For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora