Chapter 13

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Dusk's POV

I opened my eyes and saw Phoebe wielding a knife, walking slowly, tauntingly, towards Dawn. She sauntered over to where we were laying, and I noticed our wolves were nowhere in sight. No help there, obviously.

Phoebe hovered over an unconscious Dawn, and I tried to scream, but couldn't, and was overwhelmed with terror. Phoebe looked over at me and smirked, slowly dragging the tip of the blade across Dawn's cheek. She didn't stir. I wanted to run to her, protect her, and tackle Phoebe, but I couldn't move. I was paralyzed.

Phoebe smiled cruelly, and drove the knife into Dawn's thigh. I tried to scream, and fell to my knees in agony. Phoebe looked to the sky as Robin chirped and soared in the night sky. The sky darkened and lightning struck Robin. Robin fell to the ground, but morphed suddenly, and eagle. The eagle that had been Robin was seared, but otherwise okay as it lifted into the air again and squawked.

"Rue the day you chose her over me!" Phoebe cried, as Robin (or Eagle?) dive-bombed me and everything went black.

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