Chapter 15

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Dusk's POV

I looked forward at the so-called "house" that was my brother's. It looked like a mansion, complete with fountains in the front. I scowled, what I would give for a place like this.

Thresh growled and sniffed around the fountains, knowing how I felt. After so long in a place like my father's.....

Dawn laid a hand on my arm and looked at me with comforting eyes. She knew, as well as I did, what I had went through and what I was thinking. Phoebe pranced about, though, and Robin sat in one of the magnificent fountains.

Dawn and I left Phoebe and Robin outside, but brought our wolves with us as we called for my brother.

Twilight (charming name, I know), my great brother who deserted me as soon as he got the chance, came strutting grandly down the stairs when we called his name.

"Dusk! It's so great to see you! I can't believe it's been two years!!! How's Dad been treating you?" He asked. I tensed, growling lowly in my throat, looking like an exact copy of Thresh.

Dawn placed a hand on my shoulder and whispered, "I know. I'm sorry but we can't start a fight with him. We just need to know about the dream and then we can leave."

I looked over at her, realized she was right, and nodded, sighing slightly. Twilight noticed and said, "So you're that weak that you need a girl to protect you? That's just sad." He sneered, and I got defensive once again.

"No, Twil, but if that's what you think. Thresh, come." Thresh had been hiding behind a statue in Twil's house, but came bounding in front of me when I called. Dawn called for Lupa, who had been in the same position.

Suddenly, then, Twilight got scared. He hadn't known that Thresh had come to protect me just after he left.

After a long minute of both wolves growling at his feet, waiting for a command, he said, "W-What do want from me?"

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