I decide to stop with the crap and talk to her. "Kitty Fluffy Muffin?"

She looks over at me surprised. "Yes, Cuddly Hanky Bear?"

"Can we talk?"

She nods and gives Maq a kiss before taking my hand and following me out to the courtyard of the dance hall.

I turn and face her not really sure where to start. "I'm sorry. It's just that you're different now."

"I'm different? You're the one that has been giving me the cold shoulder since Dad died. You're the one that doesn't answer my calls. You're the one that doesn't want to be around me. You're the one that stopped acting like my best friend!!" She says with pointing at me with an accusing finger.

"Me?! You're the one that ignored me at the hospital and went to Maq. Even though I'm the one that understood you most in that situation! You chose him over me!! And yes, I stopped answering your calls, and gave you the cold shoulder. And I'm sorry!!" I say running my fingers through my hair.

"Then talk to me Walez!! I love Maq, and I'm sorry if sometimes I get so wrapped up in being with him. That doesn't explain why you ignored my calls though." She says frowning.

"I just feel like you don't need me anymore, so I left you alone. I stopped trying to see you because I... forget it." I say turning to walk back to the hall.

"NO! Tell me Walez!" She says grabbing my hand and turning me back around.

"I...I can't Axe, you wouldn't understand." I say dejectedly.

"Then make me understand Walez. I miss you like crazy." She pleads.

I stare at her for a while, the wind whips through her hair. The moon light msking her eyes glow.

So beautiful.

"I don't know Axe. I just don't want to ruin our friendship."

She takes both of my hands in hers and looks me right in the eyes. "Walez, we made it through your Chloe phase in Junior High, I'm pretty sure we can make it through whatever this is." She says with a smile.

"I hope you're right." I say looking at her.

"Best friends, always and forever..."

"...and ever." I say with a small smile. I nod and sit us down in front of the fountain. "I really don't know how you're going to take this...here it goes. You know I'm fluent in the female anatomy." I say

"Yea, and...?" She says waiting for me to continue.

"I am that way for a reason. It's because the woman I really want, I can't have. So, I've tried to replace her with anyone I can find in hopes that maybe one day...I stop feeling the way I do for her." I say looking at her with uncertainty.

"Why would you say that Walez? You can have any woman on the planet...within reason. You're amazing and smart although you are lazy sometimes, you're funny, and caring, and attentive, and although sometimes you are quite possessive it's only because you are fiercely loyal. You are gorgeous, and your smile is amazing especially when that stupid dimple makes appearance." She says smiling at me.

I blush at her words.

"You're irrational sometimes, but I kind of love that about you. You put on this bad boy front, but in all actuality, you're a big teddy bear. So, I don't really understand why you would think you can't have her." She says frowning slightly.

"She's taken." I say looking away from her.

"You are Weylynn Connor Stephens, right? When has that ever stopped you before?" She says smirking.

The Most Likely Pair (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now