"Louis?" "Hmmm?" He hums, not breaking eye contact with me. "What are we doing?" "I really don't know to be honest. There's just something about the way I feel when I'm around you. It's like my heartbreak over Eleanor disappears because you make me feel like I'm not worthless after all." "Well you're definitely not worthless." "You're the only person that makes me feel like I'm not though. Even the lads haven't been much help lately. They keep telling me I need to find someone to sleep around with because apparently the best way to get over somebody, is to get under someone new." Louis explains.

"What, like a friends with benefits type of situation?" "I guess that's what they mean. I don't know how I feel about doing that though. Usually somebody get's hurt whenever that sort of thing happens." "Yeah, and the last thing you need right now is to get hurt again. Have Harry, Zayn, Niall, or Liam ever been in a serious relationship before?" "Not really. Harry's in a horndog stage right now. Zayn is in love with himself. Niall had a girlfriend a few years ago that broke up with him because he used to be a little on the bigger side. He really liked food and apparently became 'too fat' for her. So he hasn't really tried the dating game since then. As for Liam, he hasn't found anyone yet. He has nothing against dating though. But due to all of those things, none of them really understand how to help me. They try to but usually their suggestions just end up making me feel more like shit."

"I get that. Sometimes it's hard trying to help people get over stuff when you personally haven't experienced it. I guess that's one of the reasons we get along so well." I say making Louis smile. "Well I think we get along so well for several reasons, but dealing with broken hearts is definitely one of them. What are you doing tomorrow after school by the way?" "I have a softball game as soon as school ends, but after that I was probably gonna go stay with Ariana again. I haven't decided yet though. Did you have something in mind?" "The group is having a big sleepover here tomorrow. I know you haven't officially decided to be part of the group yet, but we would still love to have you stay with us. Some of the rooms in the church got turned into bedrooms. Scooter bought beds and stuff because he wanted us to have a place to stay at incase anyone ever needed to escape the real world for the night. There's not enough beds for everyone, but we have a shit ton of sleeping bags and air mattresses to use."

I wait a few seconds before answering. "If I stay, we're sharing a bed, or sleeping bag, or air mattress. And whatever we sleep in, we have to make a fort around it." "See, this is another reason why we get along so well. Oh! Bring a nerf gun of some sort. Any time we have one of these group sleepovers, a nerf war always breaks out." Louis says making me laugh. "I don't even have a nerf gun though!" "So? There's a big ass toy store down the road. We can go get one. I've been meaning to go get another one because Niall broke mine." Louis says standing up and holding his hand out for me.

"Wait, are we really going to the toy store?" I ask as he helps me up. "Yes! We have to get you a nerf gun, woman!" I get drug through the woods and then into the passenger seat of his car. "What about the rest of the group?" "They're not allowed to see the nerf gun I'm getting until tomorrow. Plus they'll sing individually without us. We only have to be there for group sing, and we have time until that happens. So chill that pretty little head of yours." Louis says petting my head and making me smile. We drive for about ten minutes before we come to the toy store. Louis gets excited and jumps out of his side of the car before running over to my side and opening the door for me. I'm not used to that. I've always been the one opening doors for Camila, and now Louis is opening them for me.

"I can't wait for you to see the one I'm getting!" He says grabbing my hand again as we walk into the store. He instantly walks us to a certain aisle, before stopping at a large blue nerf gun. "There she is, the Nerf Elite Titan CS-50. It has a little motor in it that spins the barrel around, sending 50 darts out. Our team will dominate with this. We always get into groups of two since there's been eighteen of us. But now that you make nineteen, one group will have three players. Just me and you can be a team though." Louis says making me smile again.

Angel In The Outfield (Camila/GxG)Where stories live. Discover now