Purity, Humility, Virtue.

Start from the beginning

And as I mentioned above I have a phone now and I don't even use it, but my dad asked from me to have it always with me in order to be able to find me any time and I can't do otherwise, I don't want him to worry, he has already too many things in mind. I can't lie, it helps to have a phone, because on Wednesday I got late again and I missed the bus, so I called to inform him I would be late and my grandpa came to take me, because my dad was too busy with the pack's companies and couldn't come. I didn't asked from him to send anyone, I just wanted to let him know, but he didn't accept to let me walk.

I told you above that today I am free to walk back to the pack, because he and the others are missing, so I have to explain you what is happening and then I am going to tell you how things are going for us this almost one week.

First of all, my aunt had to go back to her pack for some days and she left last night. My uncle and cousins needed her, they had missed her and she wanted to go and spend some days with them before she comes back again, because if things take a positive turn today, we will need her here.

Next come my grandparents who went to my grandma's sister this morning and they are going to stay there for two days and come back on Sunday. You see, my grandpa was trying to avoid my dad all these days after their mini 'fight' and my grandma decided to help both of them and give them some space and time away from each other.

At this point I really want to comment that neither of them seemed to be angry after that incident. I think that both of them are just hurt for different reasons and from the discussions I had with them and my aunt and grandma, I came to the conclusion that they miss each other very much and they want to break the ice, but they hesitate for their own reasons.

My grandpa, for example, is hurt not so much for what my father did and for missing everything from Claire and Ryker's life, but for the way he talked to him and what he said to him. I personally believe that a part of him knows my dad has already paid the prize of his actions, he was living a hell for years and he is truly trying to do the right things from now on, so he has softened as for that. I guess that right now he feels sorry for the way he saw my dad and my dad's statement that he could leave the pack forever, if Ryker would come to take his title.

They had their problems for everything my dad did, but nobody can doubt the good inside him, even my aunt and grandma are convinced he is turning to the young man he used to be and my grandpa is too logical, so he certainly is hurt and regrets the 'fight' they had. He misses his son and his son misses him, they need each other.

My dad told me that when he was young (before what happened), he and my grandpa were one, their relationship was more than perfect and nobody could get between them, they were spending hours together, they were too proud of each other. Both of them need to get close again and I hate watching them so broken.

My father is a wreck, but he tries to hide it in front of my grandpa, he doesn't want to 'hurt' him, I am sure he feels how much he regrets his words, but he believes he was right. He wants to take the blame again for everything and he confessed to me that he is really thinking about leaving, if Ryker accepts to come.

He wants to leave away and make my grandpa, Ryker and Claire happy, this is what he told me, but I don't believe they are going to be pleased, at least for too long. In my opinion my grandpa is never going to be happy again, if he loses his son, because he knows he has a good heart and he never wanted to hurt anyone. My dad is still trying to understand how he marked Michelle, how he made her his Luna and how he was standing her, he can't even figure out how he couldn't remember/ feel when she cheated on him with my biological father, so what if something is wrong here?

From what I know Michelle was always an arrogant, cold woman, a 'witch', she was using everyone and maybe she had aces in her sleeves. This is something I'm thinking about, but I am telling nobody, I don't want to make things worse and more intense for my family.

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