Chapter 27

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"It's come to my attention that your friends with Zak," Darryl spoke confidently to George, being class president made people fear him when he talked confidently and it made him chuckle a little... but he always apologised!

"Yeah...? Does it bother you?" George asked awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.

"Haha, of course not, Zak looks happy when he's hanging around his friends," Darryl explained, "Which is why I'm here, I'm inviting you to Zak's birthday party on Friday 17th which in fact is tomorrow."

George gave the other a smile, "Alright then!"

"Can you invite Dream and Sapnap too? It'll be easier for me so I can tell everyone else."

"Of course, how old is he gon- Oh Wait nevermind!" George chuckled at his own idiocy for a second, "Do you need any help setting up?"

"If you wanna come to my dorm later and help cook and then in the morning, carrying the food over to the place we booked," Darryl asked, "That'd be great help."

"Alright no problem, here's my um number so you can message me your dorm and any ingredients you might be missing or need and I can go pick them up," George smiled handing the other a piece of paper before walking away to tel Dream and Sapnap.

"Great! Another one down, twenty two to go!" Darryl cheered as he walked excitedly down the hall, Zak seemed so excited for his birthday, he had to make it perfect! Who was next on his list... Aah! Spifey!

Darryl sat down at lunch at his usual table waiting for Zak, "Hey babe."

"Hey Darry, am I coming yours tonight?"

"I think it's best not, I've not tidied up yet! Besides, I swear you spend too much time in my dorm, like stop leaving your underwear in my laundry! Do your own laundry, lazy muffin!"

Zak giggles before kissing the other on the cheek, "But Darry, please... I don't have to come over tonight if you really don't want me to but..."

"I'll come to yours once I'm finished in my dorm, ok, ragamuffin?"

"Fiiiine, I guess I can play Mario kart till you get back," Zak huffed eating some of his sandwich Darryl packed him, "What are you doing anyways?"

"Uhh... it's... private," Darryl shrugged, looking away nervously, don't crack now Darryl!

"Oh um... sorry you couldn't trust me with it, I guess," he mumbled looking away.

"It's not that! Don't worry about that, babe, it's not that much of an issue! Anyways, thinks of it as a test for living without me," Darryl patted the others shoulder before nuzzling his cheek allowing the other to giggle.

"You're an idot sometimes, but... I love you."

"You too," Darryl smiled as he began eating his own lunch, "By the way, you know how you said you didn't want anything for your birthday? You're certain about that?"

"Yes! You've asked me this like a million times, I'm just excited to spend the day with you!"

"You spend 6 days a week with me," Darryl laughed as Zak shrugged.

"Wouldn't hurt to have another."

Darryl quickly sent a text to George as he grabbed his white apron, ready to make some food, he had already invited everyone so this was what was left. Darryl decided to start on sandwiches first, ham and cheese, just ham, just cheese, chicken, egg mayo- and then he cut them into four triangles. After that he placed them all on a large tray and put them in his fridge.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Coming," Darryl shut the fridge door and walked over to the door, opening it quickly for the other, "Hey George!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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