Chapter 26

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It had been a week since Zak and Spifey took George ice-skating, it was... chaotic, to say the least.

"Wow George, you look great," Zak grinned giving the brunette a thumbs up as he welcomed himself into the brits apartment, "Oh Wait a minute..."

"What's up?"

"The other person who's coming... his name is also George!"

"Well you can just call me Brit-"

"He's also british!"

"What? Seriously?"

The two were cut off by a soft knocking at George's dorm door, "Hey."

"You're George, right? I'm also George but you can call me Geo since it's probably weird calling me George since you're George," Spifey chuckled as he put his hands lazily in his pockets, "Is Zak there?"

"Yep," Zak called from behind George, peaking out adorably, "Are we ready to go?"

"Hell yeah! You guys ready to have fun?"

"Yeah!" Zak and Spifey hyped each other up whilst George locked his door, watching as his two new acquaintances walked ahead a little. No use in getting left behind. He caught up quickly sliding in between the two boys slyly.

"So George have you ever gone ice-skating?" Geo asked curiously and Zak looked at George for an answer to, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Once when I was little, I don't really remember it well over than the cold but, you know," George explained as they walked through the chilly air, "Which way is-"

"Near Mr- Oh Wait, just try not to get lost, that's all I can say," Geo chuckled at George's funny reaction, "Your nose crinkles when your confused- it's funny."

George frowned and hid his nose self-consciously with his hand, "Not in a bad way, it's good... kinda cute some would say."

Spifey gave the other a reassuring grin before looking to Zak and messing about for a few more minutes. What was up with people and calling him cute?

He placed the iceskates on carefully and waddled over to Spifey and Skeppy, it took awhile to find a pair that fit him but they finally did.

"Come ooooon!" Zak whined for them to hurry up and Geo just chuckled.

"Alright you big baby, were coming," Spifey chuckled before they all waddled on the ice. George giggled at the two, these two were complete chaotic energy together, he slowly gathered his courage and waddled onto the ice, keeping close to the outer ring as he edged round the circle. He looked to Zak and Geo who had gotten the hang of it.

"You need help?" Geo chuckled, offering a hand for the other Brit to hold.

"Um... kinda... A little bit..." George slowly took the others large hand as Geo led him round the ring, guiding his feet so he didn't fall like before, eventually Zak joined them as well, and they all made jokes and laughed at each other happily. This was fun.

George recollected his thoughts as he turned to Dream and Sapnap who were sat at a table and hen turned to Darryl, Zak, Vincent and Geo all sat at another. Where did he sit? Oh, Dream...

"George, I'm just gonna go to the restroom real quick, you think you can handle yourself?" Geo joked as he finally let go of George's hand.

"Yeah, be back soon though, who knows when Zaks gonna bang into another kid," George chuckled and Geo laughed before waving as he left the ring, leaving George to pass round the ring by his own accords, all the while taking watch of the man baby. With his head turned to the side he had no time to react when his foot jammed into the ice weirdly and he fell face first into the ice, his nose stinging red and his head killing.

"Ah shi-"

A hand was held in front of him.

"George? You alright, bro?"

. . . Dream? Why did he follow him wherever he went? Now he's never gonna escape his feelings! He sighed as he slowly grabbed onto the hand.

"Yeah, thanks," George gave him a half-hearted smile, holding his head awkwardly to subside the pain as Dream checked him over - his green eyes filled with so much concern.

"You're head...? Does it hurt?" Dream asked as he guided him to the bench, hovering over the Brit as he forced George to sit down.

"A little bit, it's not that bad though."

Dream frowned, before another boy came over, "What's happened, Clay?"

. . . Clay? Oh right, Vince.

"George hit his head on the ice, does this bruise look okay?" Dream showed the french the bruise on the brits head.

"That looks nasty, you should put something cold on that," Vincent replied as he backed away from the Brit. "I should go get you something.

"No, no it's fine! Where... where you two on a date?"

"Kinda," Vincent mumbled blushing a bit.

"Oh,  I'm sorry for interrupting... You can get back to it, Geo should be finished soon," George smiled up at the two, not wanting to see them any more, it hurt more when he was near them.

"Are you sure, George? We don't mind, right, babe?" Clay asked Vincent trying to reassure the Brit that it was fine, Vincent nodded along.

"No, no- I'm fine so go enjoy the rest of your date guys!" George explained, ushering them away as Geo returned.

"Oh man, did you fall?"

George looked to Geo and gave him a reassuring smile, "It's fine it doesn't hurt, I'll probably just head home though."

Geo frowned, "Ill go get Zak and we can all walk toge-"

"No, no, it's fine. I can walk alone, you guys still haven't had dinner anyways,"  George mumbled.

"Hey George, you coming?" Sapnap shouted to the Brit, giving him a bright smile. But of course he couldn't leave Sapnap on his own with the insane minecraft player.

"Yeah, Yeah," George mumbled as he sat down in his chair next to Sapnap and Dream, placing his tray on the table as he greeted the others, "Sup."

"Nothing bro, nothing at all," Dream grinned, "Sup with you?"

"Hm, just chilling with my two homies," Sapnap replied eating some of his school lunch.

"Same," George chuckled, "How was class..?"

"Boring as usual, but at least we can mess about now," Dream grinned, "How was yours and Sapnap's class?"

"Boring," They said at the same time, chuckling as Dream shivered.

"I told you guys to stop doing that!"

George looked at my phone under the table and messaged Sapnap.

"Doing what, idiot?"

"You guys are so creepy!"

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